Article ID: CBB001553391

Categorical μὴ κατὰ χρόνον at Propositions in Alexander of Aphrodisias' Modal Syllogistic (2015)


In this paper I deal with Alexander of Aphrodisias' theory of categorical mu at propositions, namely of propositions which are neither necessity nor contingency propositions, but which are true not only at a certain instant in time. I argue that these propositions are true at least at two instants in time, but their presentation does not commit Alexander to a revision of his general semantic scheme for modal propositions, in which he showed that categorical propositions are not necessity propositions, and thus cannot be true at every instant in time. In the last section, I shall argue that Alexander's presentation of categorical mu at propositions is linked to his theory of predication and that such a semantic framework may explain the apparently difficult classification of this set of propositions.

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Authors & Contributors
Alexander of Aphrodisias
Sharples, R. W.
Simplicius of Cilicia
Acerbi, Fabio
Bruun, Otto
Corti, Lorenzo
Apeiron: Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science
Arabic Sciences and Philosophy
Archive for History of Exact Sciences
British Journal for the History of Philosophy
Dianoia: Annali di storia della filosofia
Early Science and Medicine: A Journal for the Study of Science, Technology and Medicine in the Pre-modern Period
Cornell University Press
Walter de Gruyter
Cambridge University
Categories (philosophy)
Soul (philosophy)
Primary literature (historical sources)
Alexander of Aphrodisias
Simplicius of Cilicia
al-Fārābī, Abū Naṣr Muḥammd ibn Muḥammad
Duns Scotus, Johannes
Time Periods
13th century
18th century
Rome (Italy)

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