Mozaffari, S. Mohammad (Author)
Steele, John M. (Author)
From the early ninth century until about eight centuries later, the Middle East witnessed a series of both simple and systematic astronomical observations for the purpose of testing contemporary astronomical tables and deriving the fundamental solar, lunar, and planetary parameters. Of them, the extensive observations of lunar eclipses available before 1000 AD for testing the ephemeredes computed from the astronomical tables are in a relatively sharp contrast to the twelve lunar observations that are pertained to the four extant accounts of the measurements of the basic parameters of Ptolemaic lunar model. The last of them are Taqi al-Din Mu ammad b. Ma`ruf's (1526--1585) trio of lunar eclipses observed from Istanbul, Cairo, and Thessalonica in 1576--1577 and documented in chapter 2 of book 5 of his famous work, Sidrat muntaha al-afkar fi malakut al-falak al-dawwar (The Lotus Tree in the Seventh Heaven of Reflection). In this article, we provide a detailed analysis of the accuracy of his solar (1577--1579) and lunar observations.
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Astronomy in Hebrew in Istanbul: Abraham ben Yom Ṭov Yerushalmi (fl. 1510)
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The First Latin Treatise on Ptolemy's Astronomy: The "Almagesti Minor" (c. 1200)
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Richard L. Kremer;
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Essay Review
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History in the Service of Astronomy
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Eclipse: The Celestial Phenomenon that Changed the Course of History
Katsiampoura, G.;
Nikephoros Gregoras against Barlaam of Calabria: A Political Argument as a Debate about Eclipses
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Steele, John M.;
Eclipse Prediction and the Length of the Saros in Babylonian Astronomy
R. N. Iyengar;
Sunder Chakravarty;
Transit of sun through the seasonal nakṣatra cycle in the Vṛddha-Gārgīya Jyotiṣa
Goldstein, Bernard R.;
Colors of Eclipses in Medieval Hebrew Astronomical Tables
Schaefer, Bradley E.;
The Transit of Venus and the Notorious Black Drop Effect
Tang, Quan;
Qu, Anjing;
The Shicha Algorithm for Lunar Eclipses in Ancient China
Brunier, Serge;
Luminet, Jean-Pierre;
Glorious Eclipses: Their Past, Present and Future
Kochhar, Rajesh;
Rāhu and Ketu in Mythological and Astronomological Contexts
Gislén, Lars;
Eade, J. C;
South East Asian Eclipse Calculations
Feza Günergun;
The Ottoman Ambassador’s Curiosity Coffer: Eclipse Prediction with De La Hire’s “Machine” Crafted by Bion of Paris
Swerdlow, Noel M.;
Tycho Brahe's Early Lunar Theory and the Lunar Eclipse of 31 January 1599
Rao, S. Balachandra;
Uma, S. K.;
Venugopal, Padmaja;
Lunar Eclipse Computation in Indian Astronomy with Special Reference to Grahalāghavam
Hari, K. Chandra;
Accuracy of Lunar Eclipse Computations of the Grahalāghavam
Rao, S. Balachandra;
Uma, S. K.;
Grahalāghavam of Gaṇeśa Daivajña: An English Exposition with Mathematical Explanation Derivations, Examples, Tables and Diagrams
Deng, Kehui;
A Primary Inquiry into Seki Takakazu's Miscellaneous Memoranda on Astronomy and Mathematics
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