Rodríguez Sánchez, Juan Antonio (Author)
Guerra Santos, Inés (Author)
The change in the social perception of poliomyelitis in the Iberian Peninsula through content analysis of two large-circulation newspapers between 1995 and 2009 is examined. The disappearance from the journalistic agenda of poliomyelitis and people living with the after-effects of the disease led it to be excluded from the public agenda. Poliomyelitis was associated with poverty and ignorance in distant countries that were susceptible to cooperation activities and only came to public attention when it was perceived as a threat to the West, linked to health crises or in a metaphorical sense. Thus, post-poliomyelitis syndrome was barely visible in the Portuguese case and poorly represented in Spain by association.
...MoreArticle Alvarez, Adriana; Nascimento, Dilene Raimundo do (2015) Losses and Gains Two Decades after Latin America Was Declared a Poliomyelitis-Free Zone. História, Ciências, Saúde---Manguinhos (pp. 923-924).
Juan Antonio Rodriguez-Sánchez;
Iněs Guerra-Santos;
Denial, Oblivion and New Fears: Poliomyelitis and the Post-Polio Syndrome in the Spanish and Portuguese Press (1995-2009)
Evensen, Darrick T.;
Clarke, Christopher E.;
Efficacy Information in Media Coverage of Infectious Disease Risks: An Ill Predicament?
Almeida, Maria Antónia Pires de;
Epidemics in the News: Health and Hygiene in the Press in Periods of Crisis
Jaume Sastre‐Juan;
Jaume Valentines‐Álvarez;
Fun and Fear: The Banalization of Nuclear Technologies Through Display
Rodríguez Sánchez, Juan Antonio;
Las secuelas sociales de la polio: los inicios del movimiento asociativo en España (1957-1975)
Danielle Abdon Guimaraes;
Poverty, Disease, and Port Cities: Global Exchanges in Hospital Architecture During the Age of Exploration
Ballester, Rosa;
Porras, María Isabel;
Báguena Cervellera, María José;
Local Health Policies under the Microscope: Consultants, Experts, International Missions and Poliomyelitis in Spain, 1950--1975
Rodríguez Sánchez, J. A.;
Seco Calvo, J.;
Las campañas de vacunación contra la poliomielitis en España en 1963
Day, Alison;
“An American Tragedy”. The Cutter Incident and Its Implications for the Salk Polio Vaccine in New Zealand, 1955--1960
Alvarez, Adriana;
The Medical, Social and Institutional Challenges Resulting from Poliomyelitis: Comprehensive Rehabilitation in Argentina in the Mid-Twentieth Century
Porras, María Isabel;
Báguena, María José;
Ballester, Rosa;
de las Heras, Jaime;
La Asociación Europea contra la Poliomielitis y los programas europeos de vacunación
Williams, Gareth;
Paralysed with Fear: The Story of Polio
Shell, Marc;
Polio and Its Aftermath: The Paralysis of Culture
Jaume Valentines‐Álvarez;
Ana Macaya‐Andrés;
Making Fun of the Atom: Humor and Pleasant Forms of Anti-Nuclear Resistance in the Iberian Peninsula, 1974–1984
Goncalves, Maria Eduarda;
The importance of being European: The science and politics of BSE in Portugal
Folu F. Ogundimu;
Historical Antecedents and Implications of Polio Outbreaks in Northern Nigeria
David Parisi;
Archaeologies of Touch: Interfacing with Haptics from Electricity to Computing
Gunver Lystbæk Vestergård;
Kristian H. Nielsen;
From the Preserves of the Educated Elite to Virtually Everywhere: A Content Analysis of Danish Science News in 1999 and 2012
Wittkower, D. E.;
Selinger, Evan;
Rush, Lucinda;
Public Philosophy of Technology: Motivations, Barriers, and Reforms
Nowotny, Helga;
Engaging with the Political Imaginaries of Science: Near Misses and Future Targets
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