Matos, Ana Raquel (Author)
This article explores the controversial decision made by the Ministry of Health to restructure the perinatal emergency services in Portugal in 2006. Particular emphasis is given to the protests held across the country against, the actors involved, and the arguments put forward for and against the measure, in an attempt to understand the forms of knowledge and experiences brought to the discussion about the issues raised by the decision, and how different forms of knowledge are reconciled under a democratic process. In addition, this article explores the importance of citizen participation, including that which emerges from conflicting relations, in the formulation of health policies.
Hogan, Andrew J.;
Set Adrift in the Prenatal Diagnostic Marketplace: Analyzing the Role of Users and Mediators in the History of a Medical Technology
Teixeira, Luiz Antonio;
Luiz Alves Araújo Neto;
Still Controversial: Early Detection and Screening for Breast Cancer in Brazil, 1950–2010s
Jacob Stegenga;
Care and Cure: An Introduction to Philosophy of Medicine
Jennifer Crane;
Jane Hand;
Posters, Protests, and Prescriptions: Cultural Histories of the National Health Service in Britain
Arne Sonar;
Karsten Weber;
Künstliche Intelligenz und Gesundheit: Ethische, philosophische und sozialwissenschaftliche Explorationen
Vailly, Joëlle;
Genetic Testing, Birth, and the Quest for Health
Roberts, Julie;
The Visualised Foetus: A Cultural and Political Analysis of Ultrasound Imagery
Sandra Bärnreuther;
Substantial Relations: Making Global Reproductive Medicine in Postcolonial India
John D. Lantos;
Diane S. Lauderdale;
Preterm Babies, Fetal Patients, and Childbearing Choices
Tsuge, Azumi;
Women’s decision-making and their experiences in the changing socio-technical system of prenatal testing in Japan, 1980s to the 2010s
Laurinda Abreu;
O papel da Universidade de Coimbra e do físico‑mor na organização do campo médico no Portugal moderno
Laurinda Abreu;
Health care and the spread of medical knowledge in the Portuguese empire, particularly the Estado da Índia (sixteenth to eighteenth centuries)
Laurinda Abreu;
The Political and Social Dynamics of Poverty, Poor Relief and Health Care in Early-Modern Portugal
Silva, Helena da;
O Porto e a construção da cidade moderna: o caso do Hospital Geral de Santo António, nos séculos XVIII e XIX
Abreu, Jean Luiz Neves;
A Colônia enferma e a saúde dos povos: a medicina das “luzes” e as informações sobre as enfermidades da América portuguesa
Luís Miguel Carolino;
Geo-heliocentric controversies : the Jesuits, Tycho Brahe and the confessionalisation of science in seventeenth-century Lisbon
Carolino, L. M.;
Philosophical Teaching and Mathematical Arguments: Jesuit Philosophers versus Jesuit Mathematicians on the Controversy of Comets in Portugal (1577-1650)
Amaral, Isabel;
Bactéria ou parasita? a controvérsia sobre a etiologia da doença do sono e a participação portuguesa, 1898--1904
Luís Miguel Carolino;
Cometas, estrelas novas e matéria celeste em Portugal: as diferentes faces de um debate cosmológico seiscentista
Luís Miguel Carolino;
Jesuítas, ciência e disciplina no Portugal da contra‑reforma
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