Agostoni, Claudia (Author)
This article examines some of the changes that the Mexican vaccination programs underwent starting in 1943, the year when the National Smallpox Campaign (Campaña Nacional contra la Viruela) was established. It analyzes why a uniform and coordinated vaccination method was adopted to counter the outbreaks of this endemic disease, especially in central Mexico; the actions of its numerous and heterogeneous staff; and the reasons why smallpox vaccination was considered critical to establish a culture of prevention. In summary, the article examines why selective vaccination was chosen and the expansion of the health-education programs, topics that have been seldom addressed in historical research.
Claudia Agostoni;
Médicos, campañas y vacunas: la viruela y la cultura de su prevención en México 1870-1952
Naono, Atsuko;
Inoculators, the Indigenous Obstacle to Vaccination in Colonial Burma
Raffaele Domenici;
Il primo Stato a decretare l’obbligatorietà vaccinale contro il vaiolo: Il Principato di Lucca e Piombino (1806)
Valentina Sordoni;
«L'immortale britanno». Monaldo Leopardi e il vaccino contro il vaiolo
Andrew M. Wehrman;
The Contagion of Liberty: The Politics of Smallpox in the American Revolution
Jones, Greta;
Malcolm, Elizabeth;
Medicine, disease, and the State in Ireland, 1650-1940
Samanta, Arabida;
Smallpox in Nineteenth-Century Bengal
Stephanie H. Gonzalez;
The Cowpox Controversy: Memory and the Politics of Public Health in Cuba
Cristina Munno;
La lotta al vaiolo e le pratiche antivaiolose nel Settecento e nell’Ottocento veneto
Dong-won, Shin;
Western Medicine, Korean Government, and Imperialism in Late Nineteenth-Century Korea: The Cases of the Choson Government Hospital and Smallpox Vaccination
Wei Yu Wayne Tan;
Building a Strong Nation: Smallpox and Smallpox Vaccinations in Meiji Japan
Gonzalez, Stephanie;
The Double-Edged Sword: Smallpox Vaccination and the Politics of Public Health in Cuba
Hochman, Gilberto;
Palmer, Steven;
Smallpox Eradication and Brazil: An Interview with Donald A. Henderson
Oliveira, Eliézer Cardoso de;
A epidemia de varíola e o medo da vacina em Goiás
Valery Ivanovich Popov;
Lorenzo Capasso;
Natalya Yurievna Naraeva;
Viktor Mikhailovich Zhdanov and the eradication of smallpox
Palmer, Steven;
Hochman, Gilberto;
Arbex, Danieli;
Smallpox Eradication, Laboratory Visits, and a Touch of Tourism: Travel Notes of a Canadian Scientist in Brazil
Porras Gallo, María Isabel;
María Isabel / Báguena Cervellera, María José / Ayarzagüena Sanz, Mariano / Martín Espinosa, Noelia María Porras Gallo;
Ayarzagüena Sanz, Mariano;
Noelia María Martín Espinosa;
La erradicación y el control de las enfermedades infecciosas
Durbach, Nadja;
Bodily Matters: The Anti-Vaccination Movement in England, 1853-1907
Bhattacharya, Sanjoy;
From Foe to Friend: Geographical and Environmental Factors and the Control and Eradication of Smallpox in India
Hochman, Gilberto;
Priority, Invisibility and Eradication: The History of Smallpox and the Brazilian Public Health Agenda
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