Article ID: CBB001552720

Health at the Dawn of Development: The Thought of Abraham Horwitz (2015)


Pires-Alves, Fernando A. (Author)
Maio, Marcos Chor (Author)

História, Ciências, Saúde---Manguinhos
Volume: 22, no. 1
Issue: 1
Pages: 69-93

Publication Date: 2015
Edition Details: [Translated title.] In Portuguese. Part of a Series: Bioethics and Diplomacy in the Health Dossier
Language: Portuguese

The article explores the ideas of Pan American Health Organization director Abraham Horwitz on the relations between health and development at the time the Alliance for Progress was established, in 1961. Taking development discourse as a public philosophy of international cooperation, the discussion centers on how Horwitz worked to mediate between health and development. Horwitz endeavored to establish arguments that highlighted the importance of social policy, especially in health; he also strove to reach different audiences and drew connections between elements like health, illness, and labor productivity, without ignoring the humanistic considerations so dear to the public health tradition

Included in

Article Paiva, Carlos Henrique Assunção; Santana, José Paranaguá de (2015) Introduction. História, Ciências, Saúde---Manguinhos (pp. 18-20). unapi

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Authors & Contributors
Cueto, Marcos
Allgaier, Joachim
Amrith, Sunil S.
Báguena Cervellera, María José
Ballester, Rosa
Bond, John
Dynamis: Acta Hispanica ad Medicinae Scientiarumque Historiam Illustrandam
Health and History
História, Ciências, Saúde---Manguinhos
Social Studies of Science
History of Psychiatry
Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences
Duke University Press
Pan American Health Organization
Kaplan Publishing
Public health
Disease and diseases
Vaccines; vaccination
Infectious diseases
Keys, Ancel
Time Periods
20th century, late
21st century
20th century
New Zealand
Great Britain
Pan American Health Organization
World Health Organization (WHO)
European Association against Poliomyelitis

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