Kassell, Lauren (Author)
Casebooks are the richest sources that we have for encounters between early modern medical practitioners and their patients. This article compares astrological and medical records across two centuries, focused on England, and charts developments in the ways in which practitioners kept records and reflected on their practices. Astrologers had a long history of working from particular moments, stellar configurations, and events to general rules. These practices required systematic notation. Physicians increasingly modeled themselves on Hippocrates, recording details of cases as the basis for reasoned expositions of the histories of disease. Medical records, as other scholars have demonstrated, shaped the production of medical knowledge. Instead, this article focuses on the nature of casebooks as artifacts of the medical encounter. It establishes that casebooks were serial records of practice, akin to diaries, testimonials, and registers; identifies extant English casebooks and the practices that led to their production and preservation; and concludes that the processes of writing, ordering, and preserving medical records are as important for understanding the medical encounter as the records themselves.
Laura E. Bland;
Unfriendly Skies: Science, Superstition, and the Great Comet of 1680
Yeo, Richard R.;
Notebooks, English Virtuosi, and Early Modern Science
Archer, Jayne;
Women and Chymistry in Early Modern England: The Manuscript Receipt Book (c. 1616) of Sarah Wigges
Ofer Hadass;
Medicine, Religion, and Magic in Early Stuart England: Richard Napier's Medical Practice
Francisco Malta Romeiras;
Putting the Indices into Practice: Censoring Science in Early Modern Portugal
Horstmanshoff, H. F. J.;
Luyendijk-Elshout, A. M.;
Schlesinger, F. G.;
The Four Seasons of Human Life: Four Anonymous Engravings from the Trent Collection
Dickson, Donald R.;
Thomas and Rebecca Vaughan's Aqua Vitæ, non vitis (British Library MS, Sloane 1741)
John Davis;
A Medieval English Astrolabe Now in Innsbruck, Linked to the Lancastrian Court and with a Chaucer Connection
Mariassunta Picardi;
Il geroglifico della natura. Filosofia, scienza e magia in John Dee
Hughes, Jonathan;
The Rise of Alchemy in Fourteenth-Century England: Plantagenet Kings and the Search for the Philosopher's Stone
Sibum, H. Otto;
Narrating by Numbers: Keeping an Account of Early 19th-Century Laboratory Experiences
Curth, Louise;
Astrological Medicine and the Popular Press in Early Modern England
Kassell, Lauren;
Casebooks in Early Modern England: Medicine, Astrology, and Written Records
Traister, Barbara Howard;
The Notorious Astrological Physician of London: Works and Days of Simon Forman
Dawson, Mark S.;
Astrology and Human Variation in Early Modern England
Hoffman, Christoph;
Daten sichern. Schreiben und Zeichnen als Verfahren der Aufzeichnung
David Brown;
Jonathan Ben-Dov;
The Interactions of Ancient Astral Science
Luca Ciancio;
Promoting Empirical Knowledge in Habsburg Europe: Dedicatory Letters to the Cardinal Bernardo Cles in Works of Medicine, Astronomy and Natural Philosophy (1524–1536)
Pietro Daniel Omodeo;
Volkhard Wels;
Natural Knowledge and Aristotelianism at Early Modern Protestant Universities
Langermann, Y. Tzvi;
From my Notebooks: Medicine, Mechanics and Magic from Moses ben Judah Galeano's Ta'alumot Ḥokmah
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