Greenlees, Janet (Editor)
Bryder, Linda (Editor)
The contributors to this collection look into the experiences of women in the Western world going through pregnancy and birth over the last hundred years. Essays explore the impact of the professionalization of the medical services, the factors that influenced women's decisions over their choice of health care and whether childbirth was seen as a natural or a medical event.
...MoreReview Evans, Tanya (2014) Review of "Western Maternity and Medicine, 1880--1990". Social History of Medicine (pp. 386-388).
Campos, Maria Soledad Zarate;
L'assistance clinique et sanitaire de l'accouchement: Trajectoire nationale et influences internationales, Santiago du Chili, 1900--1950
Nuttall, Alison;
Maternity Charities, the Edinburgh Maternity Scheme and the Medicalisation of Childbirth, 1900--1925
Francesca Arena;
Trouble dans la maternité: Pour une histoire des folies puerpérales, XVIIIe-XXe siècles
Carolyn Herbst Lewis;
The Gospel of Good Obstetrics: Joseph Bolivar DeLee's Vision for Childbirth in the United States
Sioban Nelson;
Nursing Experts, Hygienic Modernity, and Nation Building: The Case of Nursing in Ethiopia in the Post-Colonial Era
Patrick Ellis;
A Cinema for the Unborn: Moving Pictures, Mental pictures and Electra Sparks's New Thought Film Theory
Michelle Millar Fisher;
Amber Winick;
Designing Motherhood: Things that Make and Break Our Births
McIntosh, Tania;
A Social History of Maternity and Childbirth: Key Themes in Maternity Care
Perkins, Barbara Bridgman;
The Medical Delivery Business: Health Reform, Childbirth, and the Economic Order
Ciara Breathnach;
Brian Gurrin;
Maternal Mortality, Dublin, 1864–1902
Thuy Linh Nguyen;
Childbirth, Maternity, and Medical Pluralism in French Colonial Vietnam, 1880-1945
Rieder, Philip;
La Maternité de Genève (1874-1907), une nouvelle porte d'entrée dans la vie?
Schwartz, Marie Jenkins;
Birthing a Slave: Motherhood and Medicine in the Antebellum South
Mccalman, Janet;
Morley, Ruth;
Mothers' Health and Babies' Weights: The Biology of Poverty at the Melbourne Lying-in Hospital, 1857--83
Baillargeon, Denyse;
Babies for the Nation: The Medicalization of Motherhood in Quebec, 1910--1970
Brouwere, Vincent De;
The Comparative Study of Maternal Mortality over Time: The Role of the Professionalisation of Childbirth
Gregori Galofré-Vilà;
Bernard Harris;
Growth before birth: The relationship between placental weights and infant and maternal health in early twentieth-century Barcelona
Tol, Deanne van;
Mothers, Babies, and the Colonial State: The Introduction of Maternal and Infant Welfare Services in Nigeria, 1925--1945
Couto-Ferreira, M. Erica;
She Will Give Birth Easily: Therapeutic Approaches to Childbirth in 1st Millennium BCE Cuneiform Sources
Lara Freidenfelds;
The Myth of the Perfect Pregnancy: A History of Miscarriage in America
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