Article ID: CBB001550527

“They Carry Their Religion . . . into Every Act of Their Public and Private Lives”: Quaker Consumption of Early Photographic Images in Philadelphia, 1839--1860 (2015)


Determining whether, or to what degree, there was a Quaker aesthetic in Philadelphia has challenged scholars for more than half a century. Through their material choices, nineteenth-century Friends consciously and unconsciously conveyed information and ideas about their religious beliefs and the extent of their intersection with non-Quakers to friends, family members, business associates, strangers, and the world at large. An analysis of Philadelphia Quakers' antebellum photographic consumption, including a comparison with non-Quakers' selections, reveals that although there was a range of choices of attributes in daguerreotypes among Quakers, their portraits fall at the more restrained end of the spectrum. By choosing a gallery, wearing certain clothing, and opting for a daguerreotype of a particular size and elaboration, Friends balanced their own needs with those of their faith and actively participated in the consumer culture of a major metropolitan area. Their choices invite us to look at how people employed material culture---photographic images and clothing here, but also buildings, landscapes, furniture, and everyday items---and put their imprint on the actions of buying, selling, giving, receiving, and using objects and spaces.

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Authors & Contributors
D'Antonio, Patricia O'Brien
Gordon, Tammy S.
Kalba, Laura Anne
Lewis, Michael Jonathan Taunton
Munday, Pat
Scott, Anne
Technology and Culture
American Quarterly
History: Reviews of New Books
Pharmacy in History
Studies in the History of Gardens & Designed Landscapes: An International Quarterly
Duke University Press
Cornell University Press
Lehigh University Press
Leuven University Press
Pennsylvania State University Press
University of California Press
Technology and culture
Technology and religion
Quakers and Quakerism
Visual representation; visual communication
Birch, Wiliam Russell
Franklin, Benjamin
Time Periods
19th century
20th century
18th century
20th century, early
17th century
21st century
Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, U.S.)
United States
Great Britain
Chicago (Illinois, U.S.)
Pennsylvania (U.S.)
University of the Sciences in Philadelphia

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