Henchman, Anna (Author)
Tracing unexplored connections between nineteenth-century astronomy and literature, The Starry Sky Within offers a new understanding of literary point of view as essentially multiple, mobile, and comparative. Nineteenth-century astronomy revealed a cosmos of celestial systems in constant motion. Stars, comets, planets, and moons coursed through space in complex and changing relation. As the skies were in motion, so too was the human subject. Astronomers showed that human beings never perceive the world from a stable position. The mobility of our bodies in space and the very structure of stereoscopic vision mean that point of view is neither singular nor stable. We always see the world as an amalgam of fractured perspectives. In this innovative study, Henchman shows that the reconceptualization of the skies gave poets and novelists new spaces in which to indulge their longing to escape the limitations of individual perspective. She links astronomy and optics to the form of the multiplot novel, with its many centers of consciousness, complex systems of relation, and crisscrossing points of view. Accounts of a world and a subject both in relative motion shaped the form of grand-scale narratives such as Tess of the D'Urbervilles, Bleak House, and Daniel Deronda. De Quincey, Tennyson, and Eliot befriended leading astronomers and visited observatories, while Hardy learned about astronomy from the vast popular literature of the day. These writers use cosmic distances to dislodge their readers from the earth, setting human perception against views from high above and then telescoping back to earth again. What results is a new perception of the mobility of point of view in both literature and science.
...MoreReview Allen MacDuffie (2015) Review of "The Starry Sky Within: Astronomy and the Reach of the Mind in Victorian Literature". Nineteenth-Century Contexts (pp. 165-167).
Review Schmitt, Cannon (2014) Review of "The Starry Sky Within: Astronomy and the Reach of the Mind in Victorian Literature". Victorian Studies (pp. 703-705).
Henchman, Anna Alexandra;
Astronomy and the Problem of Perception in British Literature, 1830--1910
Henchman, Anna;
Hardy's Stargazers and the Astronomy of Other Minds
Holmes, John;
“The Poet of Science”: How Scientists Read Their Tennyson
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“Tennyson's Drift”: Evolution in “The Princess”
Purton, Valerie;
Darwin, Tennyson and Their Readers: Explorations in Victorian Literature and Science
Rowlinson, Matthew;
History, Materiality and Type in Tennyson's “In Memoriam”
Shearer, Emily Carroll;
“Our Little Systems Have Their Day”: Tennyson's Poetic Treatment of Science
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Thomas Hardy, Provincial Geology and the Material Imagination
Sorum, Eve;
“The Place on the Map”: Geography and Meter in Hardy's Elegies
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Thomas Hardy and the Value of Brains
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In Science's Shadow: Literary Constructions of Late Victorian Women
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Evolution and Secular Teleology in the Progressive Epics of Percy Bysshe Shelley, Mathilde Blind, and Thomas Hardy
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How the Past Remains: George Eliot, Thomas Hardy, and the Victorian Anthropological Doctrine of Survivals
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Typical People in the Nineteenth-Century Novel
Gossin, Pamela;
Thomas Hardy's Novel Universe: Astronomy, Cosmology, and Gender in the Post-Darwinian World
Adelene Buckland;
Charles Dickens, Man of Science
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Vegetable Monsters: Man-Eating Trees in fin-de-siècle Fiction
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Hazel Hutchinson;
Ralph O'Connor;
Uncommon Contexts: Encounters between Science and Literature, 1800-1914
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Visions of Science: Books And Readers at the Dawn of the Victorian Age
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In the Ether: Electricity and the Victorian Future
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