Saito, Fumikazu (Author)
In the first book of Magia naturalis, chapter 3, Giambattista della Porta (1535--1615) stated that natural magic was the practical part of natural philosophy. Della Porta referred to knowledge of a particular set of phenomena from which one could operate naturally. In fact Magia naturalis covers a broad spectrum of issues that include topics related to the art of distillation, perfumes, fireworks, cookery, fishing and hunting. The purpose of these subjects was to survey natural and artificial things to reproduce them. In this sense, one could say that natural magic was a type of art (techne) in the Aristotelian sense, because it implied the type of knowledge that depended on the ability of the ones who manipulated phenomena. This is why the concept of natural magic is usually closely associated with “skill.” The aim of this paper is to discuss natural magic as a science that was close in meaning to techne, because it involved a concrete sense of craftsmanship and the connotation of the ability to devise stratagems. However, once natural magic was no longer limited to intellectual or manual activity, it could not be considered a mere technical art or technical science (i.e., a technology or technique).
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Numeri e alterità. L'eco di Pitagora nella Taumatologia di Giovan Battista Della Porta
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La scienza e i segreti della natura a Napoli nel Rinascimento: La magia naturale di Giovan Battista Della Porta
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La magia naturale a Napoli tra Della Porta e Campanella
Saito, Fumikazu;
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Il palcoscenico, la lingua civile della Verità
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Logica e magia: Giovan Battista della Porta e i segreti della natura
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Magic in Western Culture: From Antiquity to the Enlightenment
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La fisiognomica tra credenza e scienza
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L’Invidia in letteratura, in arte e in fisiognomica (dellaportiana)
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Emozioni ed immagini della donna nella letteratura classica e nella Humana Physiognomonia di della Porta.
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Ricerche fisiognomiche nel taccuino di Rubens e nella Physiognomonia di della Porta
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Essay Review
Angelini, Annarita;
Magia e modernità. L'edizione della “Opere Magiche” di Giordano Bruno
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From Animal Bodies To Human Souls: (Pseudo-)Aristotelian Animals in Della Porta’s Physiognomics
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