Eckart, Wolfgang U. (Author)
Descriptor: World War, 1914-1918 -- Medical care. World War, 1914-1918 -- Germany. Medicine, Military -- Germany -- History -- 20th century. Soldiers -- Medical care -- Germany -- History -- 20th century. War -- Medical aspects. War casualties -- Psychological aspects. Military Medicine -- history. Health Services -- history. Influenza, Human -- history. Craniocerebral Trauma -- history. Sexually Transmitted Diseases -- history. Veterans Health -- history
...MoreReview Schlich, Thomas (2015) Review of "Medizin und Krieg: Deutschland 1914--1924". Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte (pp. 97-98).
Rebecca Ayako Bennette;
Diagnosing Dissent: Hysterics, Deserters, and Conscientious Objectors in Germany During World War One
Platz, Johannes;
Die Entwicklung der Wehrpsychologie in Deutschland von 1914--1945 und die über die Entwicklung geführte Auseinandersetzung in der Nachkriegszeit
Epting, Susan;
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Brown, Robert J.;
Fateful Alliance: The 1918 Influenza Pandemic and the First World War. In the British Context
Bresalier, M C;
(cited 2010)
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Linton, Derek S.;
“War Dysentery” and the Limitations of German Military Hygiene during World War I
Stukenbrock, Karin;
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Meyer, Jessica;
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“War Neurosis” during the Spanish Civil War (1936--39)
Jones, Edgar;
Wessely, Simon;
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Jones, Edgar;
Shell Shock at Maghull and the Maudsley: Models of Psychological Medicine in the UK
Kent, Susan Kingsley;
Aftershocks: Politics and Trauma in Britain, 1918--1931
James J Harris;
H1N1 in the ‘A1 Empire’: Pandemic Influenza, Military Medicine, and the British Transition from War to Peace, 1918–1920
Bresalier, Michael;
Fighting Flu: Military Pathology, Vaccines, and the Conflicted Identity of the 1918--19 Pandemic in Britain
Manfred Vasold;
Die Spanische Grippe und das Ende des Ersten Weltkriegs [The Spanish Flu and the End of the First World War]
Crouthamel, Jason;
The Great War and German Memory: Society, Politics and Psychological Trauma, 1914--1945
Bogousslavsky, Julien;
Tatu, Laurent;
French Neuropsychiatry in the Great War: Between Moral Support and Electricity
Crouthamel, Jason;
Male Sexuality and Psychological Trauma: Soldiers and Sexual Disorder in World War I and Weimar Germany
Ida Milne;
Influenza: ‘The Irish Local Government Board’s Last Great Crisis’
Humphries, Mark Osborne;
The Last Plague: Spanish Influenza and the Politics of Public Health in Canada
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