Article ID: CBB001451591

Estonian Language of Technology as a Factor Supporting the Evolution of Engineering Thinking (2013)


Casual mention of teaching technology subjects in Estonian schools dates back several centuries. Navigation and construction were among the earliest professional skills that were taught. As both of them required mathematical thinking skills, teaching the subjects was usually accompanied by explaining the principles of mathematics. The first technology book in Estonian was published about two centuries ago and it dealed with geodesy. The earliest Estonian glossaries of technological terminology were published in the fields of physics and chemistry. The rise of Estonian as a language of higher education and science in the country came about in the 1920s and 1930s. Faculty members of the Tallinn School of Technology then published the first textbooks composed in the Estonian language for students of technology. The Estonian Society for Technology and the Estonian Association of Engineers became seriously involved in linguistic activities. Together with the Vocational Teachers' Assembly of Tartu they published an illustrated technology glossary for machinery and tools terms. It was followed by a glossary of construction and building terms, compiled under the lead of the University of Technology. In addition, journals of technology introduced innovations in the lexicon of technology to the general public. The postwar period in the development of the lexicon of technical terms was of little significance at first. A surge in language creativity could be detected in the 1960s, when terminology became a target of constantly growing attention to the development of technology lexicon. Series of technology glossaries were published. This tendency has continued to this day.

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Authors & Contributors
Barceló, Carmen
Billé, Philippe
Bodson, Liliane M.
Bray, Francesca
Grimaudo, Sabrina
Householder, Michael
East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal
British Journal for the History of Science
History of Science
Journal for the History of Arabic Science
Medicina nei Secoli - Arte e Scienza
de Gruyter
Accademia della Crusca
Honoré Champion Éditeur
Terminology and nomenclature
Language and languages
Science and literature
Linguistics; philology
Science and culture
Keller, Evelyn Fox
Eden, Richard
Galilei, Galileo
Humboldt, Alexander von
Locke, John
Time Periods
19th century
18th century
Early modern
16th century
Rome (Italy)
Habsburg, House of

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