Granada, Miguel A. (Author)
from the first lines on page 10 to the abrupt end of the manuscript at the bottom of page 12 (where we find the usual indication of the first word of the following page, which is not preserved), the script changes to a very small and quick writing, with constant cancellations and abbreviations, resembling the first notes of an improvised writing to be polished later. [...]the state of this manuscript is completely different from that concerning the comet of 1618-19.8 In the latter case, besides the surprising fact that it is written in German, we find a fair copy extending from page 9 to 65 and containing chapters 3-9 with the two last pages of chapter 2, practically ready for print. Only three letters (all written by Kepler) are extant between March 1605 and June 1606.69 In none of them does Kepler mention his composition of an extensive Latin treatise on the nova. [...]it is not apparent that Maesdin had any knowledge of De Stella nova before it appeared in the autumn of 1606 and Kepler announced to Maestlin in a letter of 7 April 1607 that he was sending several copies of the book to Tübingen, including one for him.70 Spring 1607 seems too late a date for having caused the abandonment of a treatise whose writing went back two years earlier.
Barreca, Francesco;
Boner, Patrick J.;
A Perfect Similitude: Science and Politics in Kepler's Dedicatory Letter to De stella nova and the Astronomia nova
Granada, Miguel A.;
Michael Maestlin and the New Star of 1572
Grasshoff, Gerd;
Michael Maestlin's Mystery: Theory Building with Diagrams
Goddu, André;
Copernicus's Mereological Vision of the Universe
Granada, Miguel A.;
The Nova of 1600 in Cygnus and the Christianization of the Constellations
Granada, Miguel A.;
Johannes Kepler and David Fabricius: Their Discussion on the Nova of 1604
Boner, Patrick J.;
Kepler's Copernican Campaign and the New Star of 1604
Turatto, Massimo;
Benetti, Stefano;
Zampieri, Luca;
1604--2004: Supernovae as Cosmological Lighthouses
Granada, Miguel A.;
After the Nova of 1604: Roeslin and Kepler's Discussion on the Significance of the Celestial Novelties (1607--1613)
Tredwell, Katherine A.;
Michael Maestlin and the Fate of the Narratio Prima
Gilly, Carlos;
Las novas de 1572 y 1604 en los manifiestos rosacruces y en la literatura teosófica y escatológica alemana anterior a la Guerra de los Treinta Años
Granada, Miguel Angel;
The Defence of the Movement of the Earth in Rothmann, Maestlin and Kepler: From Heavenly Geometry to Celestial Physics
Dorian Gieseler Greenbaum;
Kepler’s Personal Astrology: Two Letters to Michael Maestlin
Tredwell, Katherine A.;
Barker, Peter;
Copernicus' First Friends: Physical Copernicanism from 1543 to 1610
Gingerich, Owen;
Mästlin's, Kepler's, and Schickard's copies of De revolutionibus
Cosci, Matteo;
The Correspondence of Clavius, Dal Monte, Magini and Other Italian Astronomers on the Nova of 1604
Patrick J. Boner;
Kepler’s New Star (1604): Context and Controversy
Peter D. Usher;
Kepler's Supernova and Shakespeare's All's Well
Gingerich, Owen;
Transits in the Seventeenth Century and the Credentialling of Keplerian Astronomy
Gaulke, Karsten;
Kepler, Galilei, das Fernrohr und die Folgen
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