Article ID: CBB001450835

The “Global Phylogeny” and its Historical Legacy: A Critical Review of a Unified Theory of Human Biological and Linguistic Co-Evolution (2014)


In a critical review of late twentieth-century gene-culture co-evolutionary models labelled as `global phylogeny', the authors present evidence for the long legacy of co-evolutionary theories in European-based thinking, highlighting that (1) ideas of social and cultural evolution preceded the idea of biological evolution, (2) linguistics played a dominant role in the formation of a unified theory of human co-evolution, and (3) that co-evolutionary thinking was only possible due to perpetuated and renewed transdisciplinary reticulations between scholars of different disciplines---especially within the integrative framework of the `humanid' and the `hominid' branches of anthropology.

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Authors & Contributors
Jacquart, Danielle
Archibald, J. David
Brown, Gillian R.
Chomsky, Noam
D'Alessandro, Paolo
Dentinger, Rachel Mason
Galenos: Rivista di Filologia dei Testi Medici Antichi
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science
Archives of Natural History
Biological Theory
História, Ciências, Saúde---Manguinhos
Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences
Oxford University Press
The MIT Press
Linguistics; philology
Latin language
Evolutionary developmental biology
Darwin, Charles Robert
Fibonacci, Leonardo
Fraenkel, Gottfied Samuel
Haeckel, Ernst
Haldane, John Burdon Sanderson
Time Periods
20th century
19th century
21st century
15th century
Great Britain

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