Article ID: CBB001421706

Darwin's Principle: The Use of Contrastive Reasoning in the Confirmation of Evolution (2014)


I address Elliott Sober's reconstruction of the confirmation of evolution and offer a seemingly minor but important correction. I then survey evolutionary thought in Darwin as well as both before and after Darwin to demonstrate my modified reconstruction. Finally, I explain how this correction reflects the richness of evolutionary thought.

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Authors & Contributors
Shapiro, Adam R.
Canseco, Juan
Cantor, Geoffrey N.
Dilley, Stephen Craig
Gaffney, Jennifer A.
Grosz, Elizabeth A.
American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly
Annals of Science: The History of Science and Technology
British Journal for the History of Science
British Journal for the Philosophy of Science
History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences
Jewish History
Duke University Press
University of California Press
Kent State University
Natural theology
Science and religion
Intelligent design (teleology)
Natural selection
Darwin, Charles Robert
Paley, William
Gray, Asa
Crookes, William
Cuvier, Georges
Davidson, Ellis Abraham
Time Periods
19th century
20th century
18th century
17th century
20th century, early
21st century
Great Britain
United States
Nova Scotia
Belfast, Ireland
United Kingdom

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