During the summer of 1837 Christian Ludwig Gerling, a former student of Carl Friedrich Gauß's, organized the world wide first determination of the deflection of the vertical in longitude. From a mobile observatory at the Frauenberg near Marburg (Hesse) he measured the astronomical longitude difference between C.F. Gauß's observatory at Göttingen and F.G.B. Nicolai's observatory at Mannheim within an error of 0. 4. To achieve this precision he first used a series of light signals for synchronizing the observatory clocks and, second, he very carefully corrected for the varying reaction time of the observers. By comparing these astronomical results with the geodetic-determined longitude differences he had recently measured for the triangulation of Kurhessen, he was able to extract a combined value of the deflection of the vertical in longitude of Göttingen and Mannheim. His results closely agree with modern vertical deflection data.
Schrimpf, Andreas;
An International Campaign of the 19th Century to Determine the Solar Parallax
Schrimpf, Andreas;
The First Measurement of the Deflection of the Vertical in Longitude
Rieznik, Marina;
El Bureau des Longitudes y la fundación del Observatorio de La Plata en la Argentina (1882--1890)
Higgitt, Rebekah;
Maskelyne: Astronomer Royal
Borheck, Georg Heinrich;
Beuermann, Klaus;
Grundsätze über die Anlage neuer Sternwarten unter Beziehung auf die Sternwarte der Universität Göttingen
Schaffer, Simon;
Swedenborg's Lunars
Amson, John Ceres;
Gregory's Meridian Line of 1673--74: A St. Andrews Detective Story
Julia Remchin;
Andreas Schrimpf;
Research on Asteroids of Christian Ludwig Gerling and His Students in the Nineteenth Century
Carlos Sanhueza-Cerda;
Lorena B. Valderrama;
Finding a Point of Observation in the Global South: The C. L. Gerling and J.M. Gilliss Correspondence (1847–1856)
Wu, Yan;
International Longitude Determination under the Territorial Expansion of Modern European Science: Focused on the Measurements in China
Daniel Belteki;
At the ends of the line: How the Airy Transit Circle was gradually overshadowed by the Greenwich Prime Meridian
Kershaw, Michael;
“A thorn in the side of European geodesy”: Measuring Paris-Greenwich Longitude by Electric Telegraph
Carter, Bill;
Carter, Merri Sue;
Latitude: How American Astronomers Solved the Mystery of Variation
William Tobin;
James Lequeux;
In Search of the Promontorium Somnii
Reich, Karin;
Im Umfeld der “Theoria motus”: Gauss' Briefwechsel mit Perthes, Laplace, Delambre und Legendre
Mittler, Elmar;
Glitsch, Silke;
“Wie der Blitz einschlägt, hat sich das Räthsel gelöst”: Carl Friedrich Gauß in Göttingen
Cunningham, Clifford;
Discovery of the Missing Correspondence between Carl Friedrich Gauss and the Rev. Nevil Maskelyne (1802--5)
Reich, Karin;
Genaue Beobachtungen, exakte Bahnbestimmungen: Gauß` Beiträge zur Kometenforschung
Schroeder, Manfred R.;
Gauß, die Konzertsaalakustik und der Asteroid Pallas: Zwei Miszellen
Wittmann, Axel;
Carl Friedrich Gauß und sein Wirken als Astronom
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