Chemistry deserves more philosophical attention not so much to do justice to a long-neglected science or to enhance its cultural prestige, but to undermine a number of taken-for-granted assumptions about scientific rationality and more importantly to diversify our metaphysical views of nature and reality. In brief, this paper does not make the case for a philosophy of chemistry. It rather urges philosophers of science to listen to chemists and discuss what they learn from them. Because over the course of many centuries chemists have developed a special access to nature and a special way of investigating and dealing with material substances, they have confronted a number of epistemological and ontological issues that are worth discussing. Following critical remarks about the disciplinary partition of philosophy, a historical section presents the contributions to philosophy of a few French twentieth-century chemists-turned philosophers to emphasize how they have challenged the dominant philosophical categories. The final section develops one of the lessons that philosophers can learn from chemists: to pay attention to things, to their materiality and activity in order to develop new ontological perspectives. Keywords: philosophy of science, disciplines, thing-turn, Gaston Bachelard, Pierre Duhem, Emile Meyerson, Georges Urbain.
Carlo Vinti;
Duhem–Bachelard: per un confronto
Antonio Fundarò;
Gaston Bachelard e l’illusione epistemologica
Meyerson, Émile;
Telkes, Eva;
Bensaude-Vincent, Bernadette;
Mélanges: Petites Pieces Inédites
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La nature de la connaissance scientifique: L'épistémologie meyersonienne face à la critique de Gaston Bachelard
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Bensaude-Vincent, Bernadette;
Telkes-Klein, Eva;
Lettres françaises
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Gaston Bachelard: A Philosophy of the Surreal
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Quality Information from the Grapevine
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The Tribunal of Philosophy and Its Norms: History and Philosophy in Georges Canguilhem's Historical Epistemology
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Chemistry as a Discontinuity of Alchemy: The Epistemological Tradition of G. Bachelard for the Formation of the Science of Chemistry
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Sottodeterminazione e leggi di natura: Osservazioni sulla tesi Duhem–Quine
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Pierre Duhem: Verità, ragione e metodo
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La tensione essenziale fra finzionalismo e realismo nell’epistemologia di Pierre Duhem
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Schickore, Jutta;
Steinle, Friedrich;
Going Amiss in Experimental Research
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Philosophies of science: Mach, Duhem, Bachelard
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