Maxwell, Lynn (Author)
“Wax Magic and The Duchess of Malfi” argues that wax magic provides the best way to understand how the Duchess is affected by the presentation of the wax corpses representing her husband and children as a kind of torturous spectacle. The article reads John Webster's play alongside historical accounts of wax magic, especially the 1578 attack on Queen Elizabeth. While Ferdinand's attack on his sister is not intended as a magical attack, wax magic proves a powerful conceptual model for how art can impact the early modern subject through sympathetic identifications that trouble the boundaries between subjects and objects. Ultimately, the essay argues that both the success of Ferdinand's spectacle and the power of theater itself can be better understood through the possibilities of wax magic. Keywords Duchess of Malfi, Webster, wax, magic, witchcraft, theatrical practices, art, gender, Ferdinand, the Duchess
Donato Verardi;
La scienza e i segreti della natura a Napoli nel Rinascimento: La magia naturale di Giovan Battista Della Porta
Ulinka Rublack;
The Astronomer and the Witch: Johannes Kepler's Fight for his Mother
Schulte, Rolf;
Man as Witch: Male Witches in Central Europe
Bever, Edward Watts Morton;
The Realities of Witchcraft and Popular Magic in Early Modern Europe: Culture, Cognition, and Everyday Life
Dupré, Sven;
Images in the Air: Optical Games, Magic and Imagination
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Languages of Witchcraft: Narrative, Ideology and Meaning in Early Modern Culture
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Religion, Magic, and Science in Early Modern Europe and America
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The Royal Society and the Decline of Magic
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Occult Knowledge, Science, and Gender on the Shakespearean Stage
Salvatore Califano;
Storia dell'alchimia: misticismo ed esoterismo all'origine della chimica moderna
Reese, Garth D., Jr.;
The Theomagical Reformation of Thomas Vaughan: Magic and the Occult in Early Modern British Theology
Sands, Kathleen R.;
Word and Sign in Elizabethan Conflicts with the Devil
Clucas, Stephen;
Magic, Memory and Natural Philosophy in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries
Michael R. Lynn;
Magic, Witchcraft, and Ghosts in the Enlightenment
Simon, Maryse;
Rendering Justice in Witch Trials: The Case of the Val de Lièpvre
Rowlands, Alison;
Witchcraft and Masculinities in Early Modern Europe
Bailey, Michael David;
Magic and Superstition in Europe: A Concise History from Antiquity to the Present
Jobe, Thomas Harmon;
The devil in Restoration science: The Glanvill-Webster witchcraft debate
Paul B. Moyer;
Detestable and Wicked Arts: New England and Witchcraft in the Early Modern Atlantic World
Parkin, Sally;
Witchcraft, Women's Honour and Customary Law in Early Modern Wales
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