Article ID: CBB001421448

Mammals of Kenya's Protected Areas from 1888 to 2013 (2014)


Kenya is a world leader in conservation and host to one of the most diverse array of mammals on the planet. As a focus of scientific attention, it is important to be able to assess not only the current state of Kenya's mammal communities, but also how they have changed over anthropogenic timescales. Comprehensive lists of mammal species from known areas are essential for this goal, and these also provide comparative baselines for assessing changes in mammalian diversity in the future and in the fossil record. Though there is considerable literature available for mammals inhabiting Kenyan protected areas (National Parks and Reserves), species compilation projects vary greatly in scope, completeness, agreement, and accuracy. We combine the information in these databases for Kenya and supplement them with the most up-to-date knowledge available up to November 2013. Comprehensive historical species lists were compiled from specimen lists collected during 1888--1950 in ecosystems that today correspond to 13 different protected areas. We also provide analogous modern species lists based on data collected during 1950--2012. The data sets include both large and small mammals. A master list of a total of 413 species provides ecological information including body mass, diet, feeding and shelter habitat, and activity time. Historical data are based on museum specimens and sighting records, and modern data are based on museum data as well as literature, books, field guides, written accounts, photos, and videos. We used this compilation for an analysis comparing the two data sets (excluding volant and domestic species) for six protected areas with the most complete historical records and have shown in a separate publication that species richness is preserved, but beta diversity, based on pairwise comparisons of sites in this database, is being lost over the entire study area. Key words: biodiversity, community ecology, East Africa, ecology, large mammals, mammals, protected areas, small mammals, species lists

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Authors & Contributors
Miller, Char
Gormo, Jean
Keiter, Robert B
Kelly, Nora
Lachenal, Guillaume
Manton, John
Social Studies of Science
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science
Bulletin of the History of Medicine
História, Ciências, Saúde---Manguinhos
Journal of the History of Biology
CSIRO Publishing
Harvard University Press
Island Press
Oxford University Press
University of Nevada Press
University of Pittsburgh Press
Conservation biology
National parks and reserves
Nature and its relationship to culture; human-nature relationships
Natural resource management
Data collection
Leopold, Aldo
Pinchot, Gifford
Roosevelt, Theodore
Time Periods
20th century
19th century
21st century
20th century, early
20th century, late
Pennsylvania (U.S.)
Wisconsin (U.S.)
Yellowstone National Park
United Nations

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