Webb, Adrian (Author)
The Hydrographic Office is commonly known for its navigational charts. However, there is plenty of evidence to show how although chart production and supply was its main objective, there were also many other areas of activity in which it was involved. The head of this department was the Hydrographer to the Admiralty Board, a man well versed in hydrographic surveying and navigation, but also many other aspects of the wider field of nautical science. Individuals approached the Hydrographer for advice on a range of nautical matters. He, in return, acted as a consultant, providing free advice on areas of his expertise; advice that was given to civilians and military personnel. The office of Hydrographer to the Admiralty Board soon became recognised as the Admiralty's and Royal Navy's expert in all matters relating to navigation, charting and nautical science.
Junqueira, Mary Anne;
Os objetivos da circunavegação da U.S. Exploring Expedition (1838--1842): longitude, mapeamento náutico e instituição das coordenadas geográficas modernas
Tyacke, Sarah;
Gabriel Tatton's Maritime Atlas of the East Indies, 1620--1621: Portsmouth Royal Naval Museum, Admiralty Library Manuscript, MSS 352
Barritt, Michael;
Agincourt Sound Revisited
Joaquim Alves Gaspar;
Navegação e cartografia náutica nos séculos XV e XVI
Sandman, Alison;
Mirroring the World: Sea Charts, Navigation, and Territorial Claims in Sixteenth-Century Spain
Blake, John;
The Sea Chart: The Illustrated History of Nautical Maps and Navigational Charts
Kenneth Morgan;
Matthew Flinders and the Charting of Australia’s Coasts, 1798–1814
John McAleer;
Nigel Rigby;
Captain Cook and the Pacific: Art, Exploration and Empire
Baack, Lawrence J.;
“A Practical Skill That Was without Equal”: Carsten Niebuhr and the Navigational Astronomy of the Arabian Journey, 1761--7
Billion, Philipp;
A Newly Discovered Chart Fragment from the Lucca Archives, Italy
McLynn, Frank;
Captain Cook: Master of the Seas
Joaquim Alves Gaspar;
Henrique Leitão;
Luís Teixeira, c.1585: The Earliest Known Chart with Isogonic Lines
Joaquim Alves Gaspar;
Henrique Leitão;
What is a Nautical Chart, Really? Uncovering the Geometry of Early Modern Nautical Charts
Günter Schilder;
Early Dutch Maritime Cartography: The North Holland School of Cartography (c. 1580 – C. 1620)
Hill, David;
The Great Race: The Race between the English and the French to Complete the Map of Australia
Hiatt, Alfred;
Terra Australis and the Idea of Antipodes
Hans Ferward;
Het verzamelen van zeekaarten: dieptebeeld op zeekaarten
Blythe Alice Raviola;
Review of "Uomo, acque, paesaggio nella piana del Foglia: itinerario fra carte, vedute storiche e progetti per il futuro"
Luciano Bosio;
Guido Rosada;
Le fonti nella fonte. L’Italia fisica nella descrizione della Tabula Peutingeriana
Gyuri Danku;
Is This the Original? A Manuscript Map of the Mexico Valley by Adrián Boot
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