Book ID: CBB001321148

From Taxonomy to Phylogenetics: Life and Work of Willi Hennig (2013)


Schmitt, Michael (Author)


Publication Date: 2013
Physical Details: xiv + 208 pp.; Internet resource; bibl.
Language: English

Biological Systematics has changed dramatically during the past 60 years from a handicraft or art to an accepted branch of science proper, due to the work of Willi Hennig, who was born in 1913. The scientific method of reconstructing phylogenetic relationships of organisms bases on Hennig's approach, the "Phylogenetic Systematics". The method is now so widely accepted and applied that it can firmly be regarded a paradigm, named 'cladistics'. In contrast, the life and personality of its founder is remarkably little known in the scientific community. The present book offers a detailed biography of Willi Hennig, and traces the roots of his thinking from his schooldays until his death in 1976. Some outstanding academic teachers and friends of his are introduced, too. The book offers an insight into the historical development of a 'scientific revolution', and highlights the life and the work of a 'cautious revolutioniser' in a Germany of dictatorship, war, and separation.

Reviewed By

Review Barnard, Peter (2014) Review of "From Taxonomy to Phylogenetics: Life and Work of Willi Hennig". Archives of Natural History (p. 185). unapi

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Authors & Contributors
Rieppel, Olivier
Assis, Leandro
Badino, Massimiliano
Baedke, Jan
Blanco, Daniel
Brandt, Christina
History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences
Biological Theory
British Journal for the Philosophy of Science
História, Ciências, Saúde---Manguinhos
Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences
University of Toronto
CRC Press
Johns Hopkins University Press
Verlag für Wissenschaft und Bildung
Philosophy of science
Classification in biology
Methodology of science; scientific method
Controversies and disputes
Hennig, Willi
Bertalanffy, Ludwig von
Boyden, Alan
Gilmour, John Scott Lennox
Haeckel, Ernst
Hartmann, Nicolai
Time Periods
20th century
20th century, late
20th century, early
19th century
21st century
United States

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