Article ID: CBB001321052

Seized Natural-History Collections and the Redefinition of Scientific Cosmopolitanism in the Era of the French Revolution (2014)


In order to recast scholarly understanding of scientific cosmopolitanism during the French Revolution, this essay examines the stories of the natural-history collections of the Dutch Stadholder and the French naturalist Labillardière that were seized as war booty. The essay contextualizes French and British savants' responses to the seized collections within their respective understandings of the relationship between science and state and of the property rights associated with scientific collections, and definitions of war booty that antedated modern transnational legal conventions. The essay argues that the French and British savants' responses to seized natural-history collections demonstrate no universal approach to their treatment. Nonetheless, it contends that the French and British approaches to these collections reveal the emergence in the 1790s of new forms of scientific nationalism that purported to be cosmopolitan - French scientific universalism and British liberal scientific improvement.

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Authors & Contributors
Bleichmar, Daniela
Chappey, Jean-Luc
Duyker, Edward
Fornasiero, Jean
Goldhill, Simon
Guigueno, Mélanie F.
Archives of Natural History
Eighteenth-Century Studies
Endeavour: Review of the Progress of Science
French History
Histoire & Mesure
Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences
Comité des Travaux Historiques et Scientifiques
Cornell University Press
Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society
Manchester University Press
Melbourne University Press
Natural history
French Revolution of 1789
Science and culture
Collectors and collecting
Petiver, James
Baudin, Nicolas
Bentham, Samuel
Bulwer-Lytton, Edward George
Catherine II, Empress of Russia
Claire, Antoine, Compte Thibaudeau
Time Periods
18th century
19th century
17th century
20th century, early
Early modern
Great Britain
Great Britain. Royal Navy
Royal Society of London
Société d'Histoire Naturelle

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