Lipkowitz, Elise S. (Author)
In order to recast scholarly understanding of scientific cosmopolitanism during the French Revolution, this essay examines the stories of the natural-history collections of the Dutch Stadholder and the French naturalist Labillardière that were seized as war booty. The essay contextualizes French and British savants' responses to the seized collections within their respective understandings of the relationship between science and state and of the property rights associated with scientific collections, and definitions of war booty that antedated modern transnational legal conventions. The essay argues that the French and British savants' responses to seized natural-history collections demonstrate no universal approach to their treatment. Nonetheless, it contends that the French and British approaches to these collections reveal the emergence in the 1790s of new forms of scientific nationalism that purported to be cosmopolitan - French scientific universalism and British liberal scientific improvement.
Lipkowitz, Elise;
“The Sciences Are Never at War?”: The Scientific Republic of Letters in the Era of the French Revolution, 1789--1815
Sealy, Spencer G.;
Guigueno, Mélanie F.;
Cuckoo Chicks Evicting Their Nest Mates: Coincidental Observations by Edward Jenner in England and Antoine Joseph Lottinger in France
Serna, Pierre;
The Republican Menagerie: Animal Politics in the French Revolution
Book Morriss, Roger; Science, Utility and Maritime Power: Samuel Bentham in Russia, 1779-91 (/isis/citation/CBB001551977/)
Murphy, Kathleen S.;
Collecting Slave Traders: James Petiver, Natural History, and the British Slave Trade
Willis, Sam;
The Glorious First of June
Henryot, Fabienne;
Le livre dans les couvents mendiants à la fin de l'Ancien Régime, d'après l'enquête nationale de 1790--1791
Quinlan, Sean;
Heredity, Reproduction, and Perfectibility in Revolutionary and Napoleonic France, 1789--1815
Pierre-Yves Lacour;
La république naturaliste: collections d'histoire naturelle et révolution française (1789-1804)
Miller, Mary Ashburn;
A Natural History of Revolution: Violence and Nature in the French Revolutionary Imagination, 1789--1794
Duyker, Edward;
Citizen Labillardière: A Naturalist's Life in Revolution and Exploration (1755-1834)
Chappey, Jean-Luc;
Des naturalistes en Révolution: Les procès-verbaux de la Société d'histoire naturelle de Paris (1790--1798)
Thomas, Jennifer;
Compiling “God's great book [of] universal nature”: The Royal Society's Collecting Strategies
Kinukawa, Tomomi;
Learned vs. Commercial? The Commodification of Nature in Early Modern Natural History Specimen Exchanges in England, Germany, and the Netherlands
Ian D. Hodkinson;
Natural Awakenings: Early Naturalists in Lakeland
Longair, Sarah;
McAleer, John;
Curating Empire: Museums and the British Imperial Experience
Goldhill, Simon;
A Writer's Things: Edward Bulwer Lytton and the Archaeological Gaze; or, What's in a Skull?
Bleichmar, Daniela;
Learning to Look: Visual Expertise across Art and Science in Eighteenth-Century France
Fornasiero, Jean;
West-Sooby, John;
Naming and Shaming: The Baudin Expedition and the Politics of Nomenclature in the Terres Australes
Stéphane Schmitt;
Les travaux zoologiques de Jacob Theodor Klein (1685-1759) et leur réception en France: Une opposition mesurée au linnéisme
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