Article ID: CBB001320900

Lay Understandings of Functional Foods as Hybrids of Food and Medicine (2013)


Abstract: This article examines the lay appropriation of so-called functional foods that are marketed to enhance health and well-being and/or to reduce the risk of disease. Previous research has shown that consumers are skeptical of functional foods and inclined to contrast them with natural and non-technological foods. We argue that taking into account the hybrid nature of functional foods at the borderline between food and medicine provides a useful starting point for an analysis of lay appropriation, i.e. understanding and adoption of the new products. We first present results from earlier studies on lay conceptions of healthy eating and of medicines, and then analyze the role of these in the lay appropriation of functional foods. In this analysis, we make use of findings from both our own studies and those of other researchers, and give consumers a voice by presenting quotations from a qualitative study carried out in Finland in 2004. We claim that the food--medicine dichotomy can in many respects explain the ways in which consumers conceptualize functional foods and adopt them in their daily eating. Keywords: APPROPRIATION; CONSUMERS; FOOD AND MEDICINE; FUNCTIONAL FOODS; LAY UNDERSTANDINGS

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Authors & Contributors
Almeida, Maria Antónia Pires de
Belasco, Warren James
Creager, Angela N. H.
Erdheim, Cara
Friedel, Robert D.
Gaudillière, Jean-Paul
Contemporary European History
Food, Culture and Society
Technology and Culture
Environmental History
Journal of American Culture
Journal of Food Science
Berghahn Books
Rutgers University Press
University of California Press
University of North Carolina Press
University Press of Kentucky
University California, Davis
Food and foods
Food industry and trade
Nutrition; dietetics
Food science; food technology
Science and culture
Haraway, Donna Jeanne
Plumwood, Val
Roosevelt, Theodore
Sinclair, Upton Beall
Time Periods
20th century, late
21st century
20th century, early
20th century
19th century
United States
Great Britain
Smithsonian Institution
United States. Food and Drug Administration

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