Article ID: CBB001320677

Origin, History, Morphology, Production, Improvement, and Utilization of Broomcorn [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] in Serbia (2011)


Broomcorn in South Eastern Europe (SEE) is part of an important niche market of natural, renewable brooms made from the panicles of sorghum. This article is a summary of almost 60 years of experiences concerning broomcorn research, development, and production in SEE, and more specifically in Serbia. The botanical classification, origin, history, morphology, production, cultivar choice, certified seed, improvement, and utilization of broomcorn are discussed. Its improvement through breeding and production research includes various panicle quality traits, like optimization of fiber length, improving fiber fineness and appearance, elimination of undesirable red discoloration, and adapting the crop to mechanical harvest. Broomcorn could become a suitable feed, energy, or fiber crop if improvements in seed quality, as well as stalk biomass, juiciness, and sweetness are undertaken. Broomcoms will continue to play an important role in Serbian agriculture and work will continue to breed for improvements of the crop to benefit broomcorn farmers throughout Europe and the world.

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Authors & Contributors
Barca i Salom, Francesc Xavier
Bugos, Glenn E.
Carlson, Laurie M.
Charnley, Berris
Cussó, Xavier
Diamond, David H.
Agricultural History
Agricultural History Review
Dynamis: Acta Hispanica ad Medicinae Scientiarumque Historiam Illustrandam
Historical Records of Australian Science
Nineteenth-Century Contexts
Purdue University (Lafayette, Indiana)
Bromyard & District Local History Society
Prospect Books
University of California Press
University of Massachusetts Press
University of Pittsburgh Press
Science and economics
Economic botany; plant cultivation; horticulture
Science and industry
Science and culture
Fortune, Robert
Lidbeck, Eric Gustaf
Linnaeus, Carolus
Plat, Hugh
Spillman, William Jasper
Thünen, Johann Heinrich von
Time Periods
19th century
20th century, late
21st century
20th century, early
18th century
Eastern Europe
Great Britain
United States
London (England)
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Lund. Universitet
University of Adelaide (Australia)

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