Article ID: CBB001320609

(Un)healthy Relationships: African Labourers, Profits and Health Services in Angola's Colonial-Era Diamond Mines, 1917--75 (2014)


The Companhia de Diamantes de Angola, or Diamang, mined for diamonds in colonial Angola from 1917 until independence in 1975. The enterprise's Health Services Division (SSD) was responsible for supplying mine managers with an African labour force comprised of healthy, and therefore productive, employees. In practice, though, this otherwise `healthy' system did not always work. While SSD personnel attempted to fulfil their charge by implementing a series of screening measures, production targets and a scarcely-populated regional labour pool regularly prompted senior officials to compel the SSD to clear recruits who were otherwise unfit for mine service. Drawing upon interviews with former SSD staff and African labourers, as well as company and colonial archival sources, this article focuses on the interplay over time between the SSD, the company's production demands and these labourers. Keywords : Angola, Occupational Health, Colonialism, Forced Labour, Diamonds, Diamang

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Authors & Contributors
Pereira, Hugo Silveira
Alexander, Jennifer Karns
Amaral, Isabel
Cleveland, Todd
Crozier, Anna
Kaur, Amarjit
História, Ciências, Saúde---Manguinhos
Social History of Medicine
Agricultural History
Comparative Studies in Society and History
Earth Sciences History: Journal of the History of the Earth Sciences Society
History and Technology
I. B. Tauris
Indiana University Press
Ohio University Press
Pickering & Chatto
W. W. Norton & Co.
Yale University Press
Labor and laborers
Mines and mining
Cross-cultural interaction; cultural influence
Health care
Kraut, Heinrich
Time Periods
20th century, early
19th century
20th century
18th century
20th century, late
16th century
Great Britain
Royal Society of London

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