The Companhia de Diamantes de Angola, or Diamang, mined for diamonds in colonial Angola from 1917 until independence in 1975. The enterprise's Health Services Division (SSD) was responsible for supplying mine managers with an African labour force comprised of healthy, and therefore productive, employees. In practice, though, this otherwise `healthy' system did not always work. While SSD personnel attempted to fulfil their charge by implementing a series of screening measures, production targets and a scarcely-populated regional labour pool regularly prompted senior officials to compel the SSD to clear recruits who were otherwise unfit for mine service. Drawing upon interviews with former SSD staff and African labourers, as well as company and colonial archival sources, this article focuses on the interplay over time between the SSD, the company's production demands and these labourers. Keywords : Angola, Occupational Health, Colonialism, Forced Labour, Diamonds, Diamang
Todd Cleveland;
Feeding the Aversion: Agriculture and Mining Technology on Angola’s Colonial-Era Diamond Mines, 1917–1975
Filipe Calvão;
The Company Oracle: Corporate Security and Diviner-Detectives in Angola's Diamond Mines
Amaral, Isabel;
Bactéria ou parasita? a controvérsia sobre a etiologia da doença do sono e a participação portuguesa, 1898--1904
Varanda, Jorge;
Cuidados biomédicos de saúde em Angola e na Companhia de Diamantes de Angola, c. 1910--1970
Higgs, Catherine;
Chocolate Islands: Cocoa, Slavery, and Colonial Africa
Kaur, Amarjit;
Rubber Plantation Workers, Work Hazards, and Health in Colonial Malaya, 1900--1940
Selby Hearth;
The 'world's greatest mineral locality': Haiǁom, Ndonga, Herero, and the early colonial histories of Tsumeb, Namibia
Tuffnell, Stephen;
Engineering Inter-Imperialism: American Miners and the Transformation of Global Mining, 1871--1910
McPake, Barbara;
Hospital Policy in Sub-Saharan Africa and Post-Colonial Development Impasse
Crozier, Anna;
Practising Colonial Medicine: The Colonial Medical Service in British East Africa
Alexander, Jennifer K.;
An Efficiency of Scarcity: Using Food to Increase the Productivity of Soviet Prisoners of War in the Mines of the Third Reich
Long, Vicky;
Rethinking Post-war Mental Health Care: Industrial Therapy and the Chronic Mental Patient in Britain
Julie Parle;
Ludger Wimmelbücker;
‘These Are the Medicines That “Make” Monsters’: Thalidomide in Southern Africa, 1958–1962
Hugo Silveira Pereira;
Colonial Railways and Conflict Resolution Between Portugal and the United Kingdom in Africa (c. 1880–early 1900s)
Hugo Silveira Pereira;
The Camera and the Railway: Framing the Portuguese Empire and Technological Landscapes in Angola and Mozambique, 1880s–1910s
Robins, Nicholas A.;
Mercury, Mining, and Empire: The Human and Ecological Cost of Colonial Silver Mining in the Andes
Maia, Andréa Casa Nova;
Another Dante's Inferno in a Gold Mine during the Vargas Era: Nova Lima, Minas Gerais
Sluyter, Andrew;
Black Ranching Frontiers: African Cattle Herders of the Atlantic World, 1500--1900
J. P. (James Patrick) Daughton;
In the forest of no joy : The Congo-Océan railroad and the tragedy of French colonialism
Campbell, Gwyn;
Stanziani, Alessando;
Bonded Labour and Debt in the Indian Ocean World
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