Article ID: CBB001320505

J. V. Aznavur (1861--1920), stanbul Bitkileri Koleksiyonu ve Yayinlari (2012)


Baytop, Asuman (Author)

Osmanli Bilimi Arastirmalari: Studies in Ottoman Science
Volume: 13, no. 2
Issue: 2
Pages: 31-40

Publication Date: 2012
Edition Details: [Translated title: G. V. Aznavour (1861--1920), his plant collection and his publications] In Turkish.
Language: Turkish

Georges Vincent Aznavour (1861-1920) was an amateur botanist who lived in Istanbul. From 1885 on, he has collected plant specimens from Istanbul and its vicinities. He produced a rich collection. He identified his specimens and published them between 1897 and 1913 in 12 articles written in French in 3 European botanical journals. His collection is in Geneva (G). It has been of great use to P.H.Davis (1918-1992) and his collaborators, who were preparing in Edinburgh the Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands (1965-1988). In this Flora are cited 1601 specimens of Aznavour (shortly 1600). Are included in this number, 32 type specimens collected by Aznavour, cited as types, syntypes or lectotypes, which represent 20 new taxa. The original collection of Aznavour is said to comprise 15.000 or 25.000 specimens. Based on his Istanbul collection, Aznavour has prepared a flora he named Prodrome de la flore de Constantinople. But he had not the opportunity to let the manuscript be printed. Some years after his death, through the intermediary of Dr.Bertram Post, teacher in the American College of Istanbul, the college became possessor of all the documents belonging to Aznavour, including the plant collection and the manuscript. Using this manuscript as base, and assisted by his wife, B.Post prepared La Flore du Bosphore et des environs and printed it in sheets of 16 pages. The first sheets were translated in Turkish by Doç.Mehpare Ba arman and published by the Istanbul University. But neither the Turkish version has been completed nor the published French sheets have gone out of the printing house. Although Aznavour has intensively concentrated his researches on the flora of Istanbul, he has not neglected examining the plant collections brought to him from Anatolia or from somewhere else. He published in French the results of these examinations between 1902 and 1918, in 7 articles and in 3 European journals. When naming a new taxa, Aznavour has dedicated them to the botanists who have payed interest to his researches, as A.Degen, J.Bornmüller, B.Post. Botanists who where describing his new plants, have honoured him by using his name in the binomial's epithets. Aznavour is born in Istanbul. He died in Istanbul. His grave is in the Catholic Armenian Cemetery at Mecidiyeköy (Istanbul). He was not married.

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Authors & Contributors
Baytop, Asuman
Artvinli, Fatih
Eser, Gülşah
Fein, Julia
Glover, Denise M.
Hård, Mikael
Osmanli Bilimi Arastirmalari: Studies in Ottoman Science
Archives of Natural History
Endeavour: Review of the Progress of Science
Journal of Medical Biography
Journal of the History of Biology
Medicina nei Secoli - Arte e Scienza
MIT Press
Collectors and collecting
Plant geography; flora
Science education and teaching
Castro, Avram de
Gray, Asa
Haussknecht, Heinrich Carl
Mahmud II, Sultan of the Turks
Mueller, Ferdinand, Baron von
Noë, Friedrich Wilhelm
Time Periods
19th century
20th century, early
20th century
20th century, late
Early modern
Istanbul (Turkey)
Great Britain
Ottoman Empire
Cambridge University
Smithsonian Institution
Mekteb-i Harbiye (War school) (Istanbul, Turkey)
Imperial School of Medicine (Turkey)

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