Book ID: CBB001253126

Islamic Astronomy and Geography (2012)


King, David A. (Editor)

Ashgate, Variorum

Publication Date: 2012
Physical Details: 428 pp.; ill.; maps; bibl.; index
Language: English

This volume of 12 studies, mainly published during the past 15 years, begins with an overview of the Islamic astronomy covering not only sophisticated mathematical astronomy and instrumentation but also simple folk astronomy, and the ways in which astronomy was used in the service of religion. It continues with discussions of the importance of Islamic instruments and scientific manuscript illustrations. Three studies deal with the regional schools that developed in Islamic astronomy, in this case, Egypt and the Maghrib. Another focuses on a curious astrological table for calculating the length of life of any individual. The notion of the world centred on the sacred Kaaba in Mecca inspired both astronomers and proponents of folk astronomy to propose methods for finding the qibla, or sacred direction towards the Kaaba; their activities are surveyed here. The interaction between the mathematical and folk traditions in astronomy is then illustrated by an 11th-century text on the qibla in Transoxania. The last three studies deal with an account of the geodetic measurements sponsored by the Caliph al-Ma'mûn in the 9th century; a world-map in the tradition of the 11th-century polymath al-Bîrûnî, alas corrupted by careless copying; and a table of geographical coordinates from 15th-century Egypt.


Description A volume of previously published works.

Reviewed By

Review Samsó, Julio (2013) Review of "Islamic Astronomy and Geography". Suhayl: Journal for the History of the Exact and Natural Sciences in Islamic Civilisation (pp. 219-224). unapi

Review Berggren, J. L. (2014) Review of "Islamic Astronomy and Geography". Journal for the History of Astronomy (pp. 258-259). unapi

Review Richard Lorch (2018) Review of "Islamic Astronomy and Geography". Aestimatio: Critical Reviews in the History of Science (pp. 30-31). unapi

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Authors & Contributors
Brummelen, Glen Van
Samsó, Julio
Savage-Smith, Emilie
Ben-Dov, Jonathan
Berggren, John Lennart
Brieux, Alain
Arabic Sciences and Philosophy
Indian Journal of History of Science
Science in Context
Journal of Cultural Heritage
Princeton University Press
Cambridge University Press
Ashgate, Variorum
Brepols Publishers
Institut Millás Vallicrosa d'Història de la Ciència Àrab
Arab/Islamic world, civilization and culture
Science and religion
Cross-cultural interaction; cultural influence
al-Bīrūnī, Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad
Abū al-Wafā' al-Būzajānī
al-Khwārizmī, Muḥammad ibn Mūsā
Bhaskara II
Hipparchos of Rhodes
Time Periods
Early modern
10th century
14th century
15th century
North Africa
Mediterranean region

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