Kampourakis, Kostas (Author)
Adaptation is one of the central concepts in evolutionary theory, which nonetheless has been given different definitions. Some scholars support a historical definition of adaptation, considering it as a trait that is the outcome of natural selection, whereas others support an ahistorical definition, considering it as a trait that contributes to the survival and reproduction of its possessors. Finally, adaptation has been defined as a process, as well. Consequently, two questions arise: the first is a philosophical one and focuses on what adaptation actually is; the second is a pedagogical one and focuses on what science teachers and educators should teach about it. In this article, the various definitions of adaptation are discussed and their uses in some textbooks are presented. It is suggested that, given elementary students' intuitions about purpose and design in nature and secondary students' teleological explanations for the origin of adaptations, any definition of adaptation as a trait should include some information about its evolutionary history.
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Social evolution and the individual-as-maximising-agent analogy
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Hecht Orzack, Steven;
Common Ancestry and Natural Selection
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H. B. D. Kettlewell's Research, 1934--1961: The Influence of J. W. Heslop Harrison
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Natural selection, plasticity, and the rationale for largest-scale trends
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Disentangling life: Darwin, selectionism, and the postgenomic return of the environment
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Adaptation and optimality in evolutionary biology: Historical and philosophical perspectives on the interpretations of R.A. Fisher's “Fundamental theorem of natural selection” and the “Formal Darwinism” project
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Should we ask for more than consistency of Darwinism with Mendelism?
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Chasing Shadows: Natural Selection and Adaptation
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Travis, Joseph;
Evolution: The First Four Billion Years
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D. Vincent Riordan;
The Scapegoat Mechanism in Human Evolution: An Analysis of René Girard’s Hypothesis on the Process of Hominization
Sober, Elliott;
Orzack, Steven Hecht;
Adaptationism and Optimality
Weikart, Richard;
The Role of Darwinism in Nazi Racial Thought
Logan, Alison M. B.;
Pickering, Jane;
A Museum of Ideas: Evolution Education at the Yale Peabody Museum during the 1920s
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Science for Survival: The Modern Synthesis of Evolution and the Biological Sciences Curriculum Study
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Darwin's Arguments in Favour of Natural Selection and against Special Creationism
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Inclusive fitness as a criterion for improvement
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The Evolution of Darwinism: Selection, Adaptation, and Progress in Evolutionary Biology
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