Glassie, John (Author)
This is the vivid, unconventional story of Athanasius Kircher, the legendary seventeenth-century priest-scientist who was either a great genius or a colossal crackpot . . . or a bit of both. Kircher's interests knew no bounds. From optics to music to magnetism to medicine, he offered up inventions and theories for everything, and they made him famous across Europe. His celebrated museum in Rome featured magic lanterns, speaking statues, the tail of a mermaid, and a brick from the Tower of Babel. Holy Roman Emperors were his patrons, popes were his friends, and in his spare time he collaborated with the Baroque master Bernini. But Kircher lived during an era of radical transformation, in which the old approach to knowledge---what he called the art of knowing---was giving way to the scientific method and modern thought. A Man of Misconceptions traces the rise, success, and eventual fall of this fascinating character as he attempted to come to terms with a changing world. With humor and insight, John Glassie returns Kircher to his rightful place as one of history's most unforgettable figures.
...MoreDescription On the life and works of Athanasius Kircher (1602--1680).
Evans, Harry B.;
Exploring the Kingdom of Saturn: Kircher's Latium and Its Legacy
Fletcher, John Edward;
Fletcher, Elizabeth;
Trompf, G. W.;
Kircher, Athanasius;
A Study of the Life and Works of Athanasius Kircher, “Germanus incredibilis”: With a Selection of His Unpublished Correspondence and an Annotated Translation of His Autobiography
Maurizio Torrini;
Da Galileo a Kircher: percorsi della scienza gesuitica
Luca Ciancio;
“Immoderatus fervor ad intra coërcendus”: Reactions to Athanasius Kircher’s Central Fire in Jesuit Science and Imagination
Waddell, Mark A.;
The World, As It Might Be: Iconography and Probabilism in the Mundus subterraneus of Athanasius Kircher
Francesco Luzzini;
Il paradosso di Kircher (che paradosso non è)
Ziller Camenietzki, Carlos;
L'extase interplanétaire d'Athanasius Kircher: Philosophie, cosmologie et discipline dans la Compagnie de Jésus au XVIIe siècle
Christopher M. Graney;
How to Make the Earth Orbit the Sun in 1614
Ingrid D. Rowland;
Poetry and Prophecy in the Encyclopedic System of Athanasius Kircher
Rößler, Hole;
Burkart, Lucas;
Asmussen, Tina;
Furrer, Frederik;
Theatrum Kircherianum: Wissenskulturen und Bücherwelten im 17. Jahrhundert
Stolzenberg, Daniel;
Utility, Edification, and Superstition: Jesuit Censorship and Athanasius Kircher's Oedipus Aegyptiacus
Carolino, Luís Miguel;
Lux ex occidente--Un regard européen sur l'Inde au XVIIe siècle: Athanase Kircher et les récits des missionnaires jésuites sur science et religion indiennes
Daxecker, Franz;
Der Jesuit Athanasius Kircher und sein Organum mathematicum
Mayer-Deutsch, Angela;
The Ideal Musaeum Kircherianum and the Ignatian Exercitia spiritualia
Amanda Jensen;
Universal Music, Universal Magic: Esoteric Thought in Athanasius Kircher's Musurgia Universalis
Bianchi, Eric;
Prodigious Sounds: Music and Learning in the World of Athanasius Kircher
Pangrazi, Tiziana;
La Musurgia Universalis di Athanasius Kircher: Contenuti, fonti, terminologia
Findlen, Paula;
Athanasius Kircher: The Last Man Who Knew Everything
Roberto Buonanno;
The Stars of Galileo Galilei and the Universal Knowledge of Athanasius Kircher
Hellyer, Marcus;
Catholic Physics: Jesuit Natural Philosophy in Early Modern Germany
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