Abardia, Judit (Author)
Reventós, Agustí (Author)
Rodríguez, Carlos J. (Author)
In a clear analogy with spherical geometry, Lambert states that in an imaginary sphere the sum of the angles of a triangle would be less than p. In this paper we analyze the role played by this imaginary sphere in the development of non-Euclidean geometry, and how it served Gauss as a guide. More precisely, we analyze Gauss's reading of Bolyai's Appendix in 1832, five years after the publication of Disquisitiones generales circa superficies curvas, on the assumption that his investigations into the foundations of geometry were aimed at finding, among the surfaces in space, Lambert's hypothetical imaginary sphere. We also wish to show that the close relation between differential geometry and non-Euclidean geometry is already present in János Bolyai's Appendix, that is, well before its appearance in Beltrami's Saggio. From this point of view, one is able to answer certain natural questions about the history of non-Euclidean geometry; for instance, why Gauss decided not to write further on the subject after reading the Appendix.
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Factor Tables 1657--1817, with Notes on the Birth of Number Theory
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Decimal Periods and Their Tables: A German Research Topic (1765--1801)
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Gauss und die nichteuklidische Geometrie
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Study on the Approach to Realize the Thought of Gauss' Non-Euclidean Geometry
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János Bolyai, Non-Euclidean Geometry, and the Nature of Space
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Carter, Jessica;
The Growth of Mathematical Knowledge---Introduction of Convex Bodies
Giulia Giannini;
Poincaré, la nozione di gruppo e il Programma di Erlangen di F. Klein
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Renaissance de la géométrie non euclidienne entre 1860 et 1900
Tanács, János;
Grasping the Conceptual Difference between János Bolyai and Lobachevskii's Notions of Non-Euclidean Parallelism
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Graphical Choices and Geometrical Thought in the Transmission of Theodosius' Spherics from Antiquity to the Renaissance
Nathan Sidoli;
Constructions and Foundations in the Spherics of Theodosios and Menelaos
Amini, Hasan;
Spherical Interpretation of Plane Geometry in Menelaus of Alexandria's Sphaerica
Masià-Fornos, Ramon;
A “Lacuna” in Proposition 9 of Archimedes' On the Sphere and the Cylinder, Book I
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