Book ID: CBB001251085

Sectarian Reformers in American Medicine, 1800--1910 (2011)


Haller, John S. (Author)

AMS Press

Publication Date: 2011
Physical Details: xvii + 321 pp.; ill.; index; bibl.
Language: English

Over the course of more than two centuries, mainstream medicine was able to manage the public's perception of its clash with sectarian medicine. Even a cursory view of the language it used to compare the competing philosophies makes evident the combative nature of this relationship. Haller's newest book, Sectarian Reformers in American Medicine, 1800--1910, suggests that to accept orthodoxy's depiction of medicine's sectarian reformers is a serious mistake since medical orthodoxy was little more than a sect itself through much of the nineteenth century. The book seeks answers to a number of important questions: What constituted orthodox medical practice among the system-builders in Europe and America? What was the impact of New World theories on European medicine and how did they contribute to the making of a distinctive American school of medicine? In what manner did America's reformers challenge the meaning of science and medicine? How did the publishing world become a vehicle for reform medicine? In what way did reform medical colleges transform particular notions of medicine into an authentic science? How did reform medical societies operate in a democratic culture? What was the nature and impact of Abraham Flexner's critique of sectarian medicine in his classic Medical Education in the United States and Canada? One of the book's unique aspects is its complete listing all sectarian colleges, journals, and societies established during the nineteenth century.

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Authors & Contributors
Sowell, David
Baschin, Marion
Cayleff, Susan E.
Dinges, Martin
Eamon, William C.
Eklöf, Motzi
Medizin, Gesellschaft, und Geschichte
Social History of Medicine
Acta Histriae
Asclepio: Archivo Iberoamericano de Historia de la Medicina
Bulletin of the History of Medicine
Circumscribere: International Journal for the History of Science
Rutgers University Press
Alfred A. Knopf
Franz Steiner Verlag
Johns Hopkins University Press
SR Books
Alternative medicine
Authority of medicine
Medicine, popular
Medicine and culture
Bönninghausen, Clemens Maria Franz von
Copeland, Royal S. (Royal Samuel)
Perdomo Neira, Miguel
Schulze, Richard
Time Periods
20th century, early
19th century
20th century
16th century
17th century
18th century
United States
Great Britain
Latin America
The German Central Association of Homeopathic Physicians (DZVhA)

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