Article ID: CBB001250011

Natural and Neutral States in Plato's Philebus (2011)


In the Philebus, Plato claims that there exists a natural state of organic harmony in which a living organism is neither restored nor depleted. In contrast to many scholars, I argue that this natural state of organic stability differs from a neutral state between pleasure and pain that Plato also discusses in the dialogue: the natural is without any changes to the organism, the neutral is merely without the perception of these changes. I contend that Plato considers the natural state to be unobtainable by human beings, who can only achieve its closest approximation, namely, the neutral state.


Description On Plato's claim regarding a natural state of organic harmony in a living organism.

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Authors & Contributors
Adamson, Peter
Bos, Jacques
Casagrande, Carla
Garson, Justin
Hankinson, Robert James
Heyking, John von
Apeiron: Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science
Ancient Philosophy
History of the Human Sciences
Arabic Sciences and Philosophy
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Cambridge University Press
University of Pennsylvania
SISMEL edizioni del Galluzzo
University Press of America
Soul (philosophy)
Abélard, Pierre
Albertus Magnus
Time Periods
11th century
Early modern
Rome (Italy)

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