The `Krüppelfürsorge' during the Weimar Republic. Oscillating between an Own Position and the Adoption of Eugenic Arguments. This article examines the discourse about physical disability led by the German `Krüppelfürsor-ge'. It deals with the exhibition GeSoLei (Gesundheitspflege, soziale Fürsorge and Leibesübungen), which took place in Düsseldorf in 1926. The GeSoLei was one of the most popular platforms of the healthy and aesthetic body in the 1920s. It stood in the context of the German `national recovery' after World War I and collected all types of medical, social and athletic professionals to expose their work to a broader audience. Also representatives of the so called `Krüppelfürsorge' presented themselves and at the same time their perspective on people with physical disabilities on this exhibition. The article points out the ambivalent character of their perspective and shows the mixture of including and excluding people with physical disabilities, which was typical for the view of the `Krüppelfürsorge'. It demonstrates that the `Krüppelfürsorger' on the one hand were quite progressive towards people with disabilities, but on the other hand showed a striking openness towards eugenic values.
Bryant, Thomas;
Sexological Deliberation and Social Engineering: Albert Moll and the Sterilisation Debate in Late Imperial and Weimar Germany
Frewer, Andreas;
Medizin und Moral in Weimarer Republik und Nationalsozialismus. Die Zeitschrift Ethik unter Emil Abderhalden
Federico Edoardo Perozziello;
Il Male in medicina. Scienza, nazismo, eugenetica
Multimedia Object
Craig Sorvillo;
Kravetz, Melissa;
Melissa Kravetz, “Women Doctors in Weimar and Nazi Germany: Maternalism, Eugenics and Professional Identity” (U Toronto Press, 2019)
Melissa Kravetz;
Women Doctors in Weimar and Nazi Germany: Maternalism, Eugenics, and Professional Identity
Kravetz, Melissa;
Promoting Eugenics and Maternalism: Women Doctors and Marriage Counseling in Weimar Germany
Berez, Thomas M.;
Weiss, Sheila Faith;
The Nazi Symbiosis: Politics and Human Genetics at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute
Lane, Yvette Florio;
“No Fertile Soil for Pathogens”: Rayon, Advertising, and Biopolitics in Late Weimar Germany
Michael Hau;
Constitutional Therapy and Clinical Racial Hygiene in Weimar and Nazi Germany
Morris, Sharon;
“Human Dregs at the Bottom of Our National Vats”: The Inter-War Debate on Sterilization of the Mentally Deficient
Paolo Lombardi;
Gianluca Nesi;
Imparare a uccidere. Il programma T4 e il genocidio
Edith Sheffer;
Asperger's Children: The Origins of Autism in Nazi Vienna
Beer, Ralf;
Steger, Florian;
Max Mohr (1891--1937) -- ein Arzt auf der Suche nach Unabhängigkeit
Usborne, Cornelie;
Cultures of Abortion in Weimar Germany
Wolters, Christine;
Tuberkulose und Menschenversuche im Nationalsozialismus: Das Netzwerk hinter den Tbc-Experimenten im Konzentrationslager Sachsenhausen
Fangerau, Heiner;
Making Eugenics a Public Issue: A Reception Study of the First German Compendium on Racial Hygiene, 1921--1940
Mineau, André;
Social Hygiene and the Holocaust
Fangerau, Heiner;
Human Reproduction and Eugenics as a Public Health Issue: The Contemporary Reception of a German Standard Textbook on Racial Hygiene 1921--1941
Joseph, Jay;
Wetzel, Norbert A.;
Ernst Rüdin: Hitler's Racial Hygiene Mastermind
Frances L. Bernstein;
Rehabilitation Staged: How Soviet Doctors "Cured" Disability in the Second World War
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