Cahan, David L. (Author)
This article discusses the close relationship that developed during the 1850s and 1860s between Hermann von Helmholtz (1821--94), one of the leading German scientists during the second half of the nineteenth century, and the British scientific elite generally. It focuses especially on the importance of the law of conservation of energy to both sides of that relationship as the law emerged and became popularized. In presenting this Anglo-German relationship, the article relates Helmholtz's friendships or acquaintanceships with numerous members of the British elite, including William Thomson, John Tyndall, Henry Enfield Roscoe, Michael Faraday, Edward Sabine, Henry Bence Jones, George Gabriel Stokes, James Clerk Maxwell, Peter Guthrie Tait, George Biddell Airy and James Thomson. It suggests that the building of these social relationships helped create a sense of trust between Helmholtz and the British elite that, in turn, eased the revision of the understanding of the law of conservation of force into that of energy and consolidated its acceptance, and that laid the personal groundwork for Helmholtz's future promotion of Maxwell's electromagnetic theory in Germany and for Anglo-German agreements in electrical metrology.
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Helmholtz, the Conservation of Force and the Conservation of Vis Viva
Cahan, David;
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De la reconstitution de la physique allemande du XIXe siècle: Les exemples de Georg Simon Ohm et Hermann Helmholtz
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Beyond Electromagnetic and Mechanical World-Views: J. Larmor's Models of Matter and Energy in the Early 1890s
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Employment Before Formulation: Uses of Proto-Energetic Arguments
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How Did the Conservation of Energy Become “The Highest Law in All Science”?
Wegener, Daan;
Science and Internationalism in Germany: Helmholtz, Du Bois-Reymond and Their Critics
Cahan, David;
Helmholtz in Gilded-Age America: The International Electrical Congress of 1893 and the Relations of Science and Technology
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Energy: Learning from the Past
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Victorian Literature and the Physics of the Imponderable
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ThermoPoetics: Energy In Victorian Literature and Science
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Fit to Print? Referee Reports on Mathematics for the Nineteenth-Century Journals of the Royal Society of London
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