Book ID: CBB001214616

The Lives of Erich Fromm: Love's Prophet (2013)


Friedman, Lawrence Jacob (Author)
Schreiber, Anke M. (Author)

Columbia University Press

Publication Date: 2013
Physical Details: xxxv + 410 pp.; ill.
Language: English

Erich Fromm was a political activist, psychologist, psychoanalyst, philosopher, and one of the most important intellectuals of the twentieth century. Known for his theories of personality and political insight, Fromm dissected the sadomasochistic appeal of brutal dictators while also eloquently championing love -- which, he insisted, was nothing if it did not involve joyful contact with others and humanity at large. Admired all over the world, Fromm continues to inspire with his message of universal brotherhood and quest for lasting peace. The first systematic study of Fromm's influences and achievements, this biography revisits the thinker's most important works, especially Escape from Freedom and The Art of Loving, which conveyed important and complex ideas to millions of readers. The volume recounts Fromm's political activism as a founder and major funder of Amnesty International, the National Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy, and other peace groups. Consulting rare archival materials across the globe, Lawrence J. Friedman reveals Fromm's support for anti-Stalinist democratic movements in Central and Eastern Europe and his efforts to revitalize American democracy. For the first time, readers learn about Fromm's direct contact with high officials in the American government on matters of war and peace while accessing a deeper understanding of his conceptual differences with Freud, his rapport with Neo-Freudians like Karen Horney and Harry Stack Sullivan, and his association with innovative artists, public intellectuals, and world leaders. Friedman elucidates Fromm's key intellectual contributions, especially his innovative concept of "social character," in which social institutions and practices shape the inner psyche, and he clarifies Fromm's conception of love as an acquired skill. Taking full stock of the thinker's historical and global accomplishments, Friedman portrays a man of immense authenticity and spirituality who made life in the twentieth century more humane than it might have been.

Reviewed By

Review Burston, Daniel (2014) Review of "The Lives of Erich Fromm: Love's Prophet". Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences (pp. 106-107). unapi

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Authors & Contributors
Burston, Daniel
McLaughlin, Neil G.
Pietikainen, Petteri
Bolognini, Stefano
Borch-Jacobsen, Mikkel
Bos, Jaap
Psychoanalysis and History
Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences
Contemporary European History
Osiris: A Research Journal Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences
Harvard University
New York, City University of
Daimon Verlag
Éd. Sciences humaines
Editrice Bibliografica
Emotions; passions
Definition of human; human nature
Fromm, Erich
Freud, Sigmund
Jung, Carl Gustav
Lacan, Jacques
Sullivan, Harry Stack
Bleuler, Eugen
Time Periods
20th century
19th century
20th century, early
18th century
United States
British Isles

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