Book ID: CBB001213221

The Politics of Reproduction in Ottoman Society, 1838--1900 (2013)


Balsoy, Gülhan (Author)

Pickering & Chatto

Publication Date: 2013
Physical Details: x + 180 pp.; ill.
Language: English

Epidemics, migration and territorial losses led to population decline in early nineteenth-century Turkey. In response, Ottoman elites began a programme of population growth, based on increased birth rate and reduced infant mortality. Three policies were initiated to achieve this: the professionalization of midwives, a ban on abortion and greater medical care during pregnancy. Balsoy uses previously untapped archival sources to examine these developments, arguing that these changes caused reproduction to become a political experience.

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Authors & Contributors
Günergun, Feza
Akbaş, Meltem
Yildirim, Nuran
Chahrour, Marcel
Demirci, Tuba
Etker, Şeref
Osmanli Bilimi Arastirmalari: Studies in Ottoman Science
Business History Review
Dynamis: Acta Hispanica ad Medicinae Scientiarumque Historiam Illustrandam
Earth Sciences History: Journal of the History of the Earth Sciences Society
História, Ciências, Saúde---Manguinhos
Journal of Historical Geography
Istanbul University
Oxford University Press
Cross-cultural interaction; cultural influence
Medical education and teaching
Cross-national interaction
Adivar, Abdülhak Adnan
Efendi, Hekimbasi Salih
Ekinci, Salih Zeki
Midhat, Ahmed
Paşa, Hüseyin Tevfik Vidinli
Tertemiz, Serafettin Tevfik
Time Periods
19th century
20th century, early
20th century
18th century
Ottoman Empire
Istanbul (Turkey)
Great Britain

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