Eighteenth-century architect-builders were a small group, but important for understanding the market strategies of knowledge-based experts in an age of rapid growth in technical information before the creation of modern professions. This article confronts a teleological historiography of emerging professionalization. It is focused on Robert Mylne and several of his contemporaries in Edinburgh and London, including a number of successful London-based Scots who were active as architects, builders, engineers, and surveyors, and self-styled in all these areas when it suited them. It supplies an account of what it took for building experts to establish themselves and flourish in big cities and the ways in which such experts navigated, controlled, and accommodated an environment of unregulated expertise that largely suited contemporary practitioners. Individual, family, and collective market strategies are examined in detail and the final section is a close analysis of the activities of the Architects Club in the 1790s.
Valérie Nègre;
Production and Circulation of Technical Knowledge on Building Sites at the End of the Eighteenth Century
Lenaghan, Julia;
The Cast Collection of John Sanders, Architect, at the Royal Academy
Smith, Ryan K.;
The “Mad” Engineer: L'Enfant in Early National Philadelphia
Danilo Capecchi;
Le origini della scienza delle costruzioni
Bertucci, Paola;
Courcelle, Olivier;
Artisanal Knowledge, Expertise, and Patronage in Early Eighteenth-Century Paris: The Société Des Arts (1728--36)
Rovang, Dana Marisa;
Conjuring Science: Performance Magicians, Natural Philosophy, and the Audience in Eighteenth-Century England, 1763--1800
Liliane Pérez;
La pièce et le geste: Artisans, marchands et savoir technique à Londres au XVIIIe siècle
Richard John Sorrenson;
Perfect Mechanics: Instrument Makers at the Royal Society of London in the Eighteenth Century
Morrison-Low, A. D.;
Making Scientific Instruments in the Industrial Revolution: Location, Location, Location
Paolo Portoghesi;
Guglielmo Bilancioni;
Guarino Guarini
Lorenzo, Antonio Amado;
Voiture Minimum: Le Corbusier and the Automobile
Hashim Sarkis;
Barrio, Roi Salgueiro;
Gabriel Kozlowski;
The world as an architectural project
Louis Cellauro;
Gilbert Richaud;
Palladio and Concrete: Archaeology, Innovation, Legacy
Verdi Webster, Susan;
Quito, ciudad de maestros: arquitectos, edificios y urbanismo en el largo siglo XVII
Noé Badillo;
Geometry of the Sun: Guarino Guarini and the Church of San Lorenzo
Marco Evangelisti;
Giacomo Roster: Un architetto a Firenze nella seconda metà dell'Ottocento
Valérie Nègre;
L'art et la matière: Les artisans, les architectes et la technique, 1770-1830
Dagmar Schäfer;
Knowledge by Design—Architecture and Jade Models During the Qianlong 乾隆 Reign (1735–1796)
Bill Jenkins;
The ‘Stronsay Beast’: Testimony, evidence and authority in early nineteenth-century natural history
Ogborn, Miles;
Spaces of Modernity: London's Geographies, 1680--1780
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