This article calls for attention to be paid to the infrastructures that underpinned nineteenth-century globalization, and the use of better-known technological developments and global patterns of professional migration. It does so by outlining the work of the Marine Department of the Chinese Maritime Customs Service after 1868, focusing on its development of a network of lighthouses along the coast of China in its political and comparative contexts. These lights were at once local sites and nodes within a developing national and global system, and evolving practices around circulation of data and best practice, accepted international standards, technology transfer, and maritime safety. The Customs Service was a Chinese government agency, albeit within the British orbit of influence, but acted as a buffer between China and foreign interests and pressures.
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The Age of Edison: Electric Light and the Invention of Modern America
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Illuminating the Streets, Alleys, Parks and Suburbs of the American City: Non-Networked Technologies, 1870-1920
Schott, Dieter;
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American Illuminations: Urban Lighting, 1800-1920
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How Women Saved the City
Zhou, Fang;
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Light Switch: Towards a History of the Second Enlightenment
Arapostathis, Stathis;
Gooday, Gaeme;
Patently Contestable: Electrical Technologies and Inventor Identities on Trial in Britain
Pante, Michael D.;
Mobility and Modernity in the Urban Transport Systems of Colonial Manila and Singapore
Yazan Abu Ghazal;
Devon E Hinton;
Platzschwindel, agoraphobia and their influence on theories of anxiety at the end of the nineteenth century: theories of the role of biology and ‘representations’ (Vorstellungen)
Andrew Heath;
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Denis, Vincent;
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O'Connell, James C;
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Smith, Carl S;
City Water, City Life: Water and the Infrastructure of Ideas in Urbanizing Philadelphia, Boston, and Chicago
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Germany's urban frontiers: nature and history on the edge of the nineteenth-century city
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Grounding Berlin: Ecologies of a Technopolis, 1871 to the Present
Kay, Michael;
(May 2020)
"A Mighty Cobweb": Electricity, Aesthetics and the Urban Public Space
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Smarter Growth: Activism and Environmental Policy in Metropolitan Washington
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