Article ID: CBB001212615

Die Beziehungen zwischen Kopenhagen und Göttingen auf dem Gebiete des Erdmagnetismus: Ergebnisse einer Analyse der Briefe, die Hans Christian Oersted mit Carl Friedrich Gauß und Wilhelm Weber wechselte (2013)


Hans Christian Oersted is mostly known as the discoverer of electromagnetism and for being one of the physicists who were deeply influenced and fascinated by the romantic natural philosophy. In this article another side of Oersted is presented. What is underestimated until now is Oersted's contribution to the research of geomagnetism. Oersted stood in close contact with Carl Friedrich Gauss and Wilhelm Weber, whom he visited in 1834 in Göttingen. Oersted's aim was to learn the new developments in geomagnetism. Afterwards he was crucial in the building of a new magnetic observatory in Copenhagen as well as a second one with better equipment. Oersted formed a huge team for magnetic observations and the gathered data were sent to Gauss and Weber who published them. The correspondence between Oersted, Gauß and Weber was mostly dedicated to the transmission of these data, details about instruments and the best way of building a magnetic observatory. Unfortunately, Gauss and Weber had to stop their very successful collaboration in 1843, because Weber belonged to the Göttingen Seven and later on Oersted stopped his observations, because he had lost his partners in this research subject.

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Authors & Contributors
Reich, Karin
Assis, Andre Koch Torres
Boeckh, August
Christensen, Dan Ch.
Del Centina, Andrea
Fiocca, Alessandra
Giornale di Fisica
Annals of Science: The History of Science and Technology
Archive for History of Exact Sciences
Centaurus: International Magazine of the History of Mathematics, Science, and Technology
Mitteilungen, Gauss- Gesellschaft E.V. Göttingen
Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab
de Gruyter
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
Correspondence and corresponding
Electricity; magnetism
Earth sciences
Gauss, Carl Friedrich
Oersted, Hans Christian
Weber, Wilhelm Eduard
Humboldt, Alexander von
Bartholin, Thomas
Boeckh, August
Time Periods
19th century
18th century
17th century
Copenhagen (Denmark)
Paris (France)
Tamil Nadu (India)
British Isles

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