Article ID: CBB001212015

Modelos microscópicos de herança no século XIX (2012)


During the 19th century several microscopic models involving particles arose in search for an explanation for heredity such as: Spencer's physiological units (1864); Darwin's hypothesis of pangenesis (1868); Galton's theory of stirps (1872); Nägeli's idioplasm (1884); De Vries' intracellular pangenesis (1889); and Weismann's germplasm, in 1892. This paper aims to analyze some of those proposals in order to provide an overview of the explanations for inheritance present in 19th century before and after Galton's theory of stirps. We will try to investigate if there were significant changes in the different scholar's thought related to the subject. This study led to the conclusion that in the proposals of the 1860's (Spencer, Darwin and Galton's ones) there were no concern in establishing a relationship with cytological studies. In this way, they dealt with hypothetical microscopic models. However, in the proposals of the 1880's (Nägeli, De Vries and Weismann's ones) this concern, as the time went by, was becoming more and more present. Galton's theory of stirps represents the transition between the two groups.

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Authors & Contributors
Churchill, Frederick B.
Stamhuis, Ida H.
Dröscher, Ariane
Haig, David
Hoquet, Thierry
Kampourakis, Kostas
Journal of the History of Biology
Science and Education
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science
Biology and Philosophy
History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences
Harvard University Press
University of California, Davis
Natural selection
Weismann, August
Darwin, Charles Robert
Vries, Hugo Marie de
Galton, Francis
Mendel, Gregor Johann
Spencer, Herbert
Time Periods
19th century
20th century, early
20th century
Great Britain
United States
University of Edinburgh

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