Article ID: CBB001211261

Ivane Tarkhnishvili (Tarchanoff): A Major Georgian Figure from the Russian Physiological School (2012)


This article is dedicated to one of the outstanding scientists of the nineteenth century: Ivane Tarkhnishvili (Tarchanoff), a Russian physiologist of Georgian origin who graduated from the St. Petersburg Medico-Surgical Academy and worked under the supervision of the founder of Russian physiology, Ivan Sechenov. Among his numerous contributions was the discovery of the skin galvanic reflex; however, Tarkhnishvili's most significant contribution was the discovery of the influence of X-rays on the central nervous system, animal behavior, the heart and circulation, and embryonic development. Indeed, these works have given rise to a new field in science (radiobiology). [ABSTRACT FROM PUBLISHER]

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Authors & Contributors
Chesnov, V. M.
Kichigina, Galina
Ostrovskii, M. A.
Sakina, N. L.
Anogianakis, George
Coleman, William O.
VIET: Voprosy Istorii Estestvoznaniia i Tekhniki
Apeiron: Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science
Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte
Bulletin of the History of Medicine
Galilæana: Journal of Galilean Studies
Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences
University of Toronto
Johns Hopkins University Press
University of Chicago Press
Physiological psychology
Science and politics
Science and society
Senses and sensation; perception
Pavlov, Ivan Petrovich
Bogdanov, Alexander
Darwin, Erasmus
Galilei, Galileo
Lysenko, Trofim Denisovich
Pasha, Spyridon Mavrogenis
Time Periods
19th century
20th century, early
18th century
17th century
20th century
Soviet Union
Ottoman Empire
Rossiiskaia Akademiia Nauk

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