Stouraiti, Anastasia (Author)
During the early modern period, island books (isolari) were among the major print genres by which the Venetian reading public learned about the Mediterranean and the New World. This article focuses on the intellectual, social and cultural processes through which these books constructed islands as objects of inquiry and created textual and visual knowledge about the Aegean archipelago and the Venetian overseas dominions. It shows how diverse communities of practitioners, networks of information and ways of knowing shaped the production of these cultural artefacts, and analyses the connections between images of insularity and notions of empire in Venetian metropolitan culture.
Maria Gioia Tavoni;
Storie di libri e tecnologie. Dall’avvento della stampa al digitale
Householder, Michael;
Inventing Americans in the Age of Discovery: Narratives of Encounter
Chartier, Roger;
Cochrane, Lydia G;
The Author's Hand and the Printer's Mind
Hosington, Brenda M.;
Translation and Print Culture in Early Modern Europe
Bleichmar, Daniela;
Exploration in Print: Books and Botanical Travel from Spain to the Americas in the Late Eighteenth Century
Nicole Howard;
Loath to Print: The Reluctant Scientific Author, 1500–1750
David Gentilcore;
Cose rare e ammirande del nuovo mondo. Le piante commestibili americane nell'editoria veneziana tra Cinque e Settecento
Ette, Ottmar;
Bernecker, Walther L.;
Ansichten Amerikas: neuere Studien zu Alexander von Humboldt
Roberts, Sean;
Tricks of the Trade: The Technical Secrets of Early Engraving
McCall, Timothy;
Roberts, Sean E.;
Fiorenza, Giancarlo;
Visual Cultures of Secrecy in Early Modern Europe
Emily R. Anderson;
Printing the Bespoke Book: Euclid’s Elements in Early Modern Visual Culture
McKitterick, David;
Old Books, New Technologies: The Representation, Conservation and Transformation of Books since 1700
Fyfe, Aileen;
Steam-Powered Knowledge: William Chambers and the Business of Publishing, 1820--1860
Bret, Patrice;
Chatzis, Konstantinos;
Hilaire-Pérez, Liliane;
La presse et les périodiques techniques en Europe, 1750--1950
Dondi, Cristina;
The European Printing Revolution
Fournier-Antonini, Guenièvre;
Barcelone, Gênes et Marseille: Cartographies et images, XVIe-XIXe siècle
Brett, Annabel S;
Changes of State: Nature and the Limits of the City in Early Modern Natural Law
Maifreda, Germano;
From Oikonomia to Political Economy: Constructing Economic Knowledge from the Renaissance to the Scientific Revolution
Penman, Leigh T. I.;
The Wicked and the Fair: Changing Perceptions of Terra Australis through the Prism of the Batavia Shipreck (1629)
Baldasso, Renzo;
Illustrating the Book of Nature in the Renaissance: Drawing, Painting, andPrinting Geometric Diagrams and Scientific Figures
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