Chapter ID: CBB001201953

Alchymie v každodenním životĕ vrchních komorních služebníkŭ Rudolfa II. (2011)


Bužek, Václav (Author)

Pages: 647--656

Publication Date: 2011
Edition Details: [Alchemy in the everyday life of the upper chamber servants of Rudolf II. .] In Czech.
Language: Czech

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Authors & Contributors
Karpenko, Vladimír
Purš, Ivo
Clifford, David
Cowan, Brian
Deschrijver, Sonja
Drábek, Pavel
Journal for the History of Astronomy
Journal of Social History
Cambridge University Press
Anthem Press
Cornell University Press
Oxford University Press
Science and culture
Popular culture
Science and society
Public understanding of science
Social class
Courts and courtiers
Rudolf II, Holy Roman Emperor
Brahe, Tycho
Croll, Oswald
Kelly, Edward
Ripley, George
Albert VII, Archduke of Austria
Time Periods
16th century
17th century
19th century
20th century
18th century
Early modern
Great Britain
United States
Holy Roman Empire
Czech Republic

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