Article ID: CBB001201747

Media and Cognition: The Relationship between Thought Structures and Media Structures (2013)


While throughout history, knowledge and information have been mostly bound in language and text, new twenty-first-century media increasingly tend to break with this tradition of linear sequentiality. This paper will present an account of how this development may be explained by a relationship between the use of digital technologies on the one hand, and the (human) user's cognitive processes on the other. This will be done by, first, outlining two existing conceptions of human cognition and, subsequently, by confronting these with observations in the field of philosophy of media, most prominently the position of Marshall McLuhan.

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Authors & Contributors
Aspray, William F.
Atkins, Helen Barsky
Avery, John
Cronin, Blaise
Downey, Greg
Geil, Abraham
IEEE Annals of the History of Computing
Circumscribere: International Journal for the History of Science
Research in Philosophy and Technology
Princeton University
University of Washington
Indiana University
Duke University Press
Information Today
JAI Press/Elsevier
Information technology
Information science
Information theory
Computers and computing
Methods of communication; media
Bakhtin, Mikhail Ivanovich
Fleck, Ludwik
Foucault, Michel
Freud, Sigmund
Garfield, Eugene
Habermas, Jürgen
Time Periods
21st century
20th century
20th century, late
19th century
20th century, early
United States
Universität Stuttgart
Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory

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