Hessler, John W. (Author)
Van Duzer, Chet A. (Author)
This book is a richly illustrated study of Martin Waldseemüller's printed world maps of 1507 and 1516, two of the most important maps of the sixteenth century. The 1507 map is the first to apply the name America to the New World and to show an ocean to the west of the New World, and the 1516 Carta marina is the first printed nautical chart of the world. Each of the twelve sheets of the two maps is reproduced in full color, at 11 x 14 inches; the book also includes folded composites of both maps, approximately 4 feet wide and 2 feet long, in pockets inside the front and back covers. The commentaries on the maps by John Hessler and Chet Van Duzer include 24 illustrations of other maps and diagrams, all in color. Hessler's and Van Duzer's scholarship sheds important new light on the maps, describing the cultural milieu in which they were produced, showing how the maps reflect the development of Waldseemüller's cartographic thought, and revealing some of the sources that the cartographer used.
...MoreReview Brotton, Jerry (2013) Review of "Seeing the World Anew: The Radical Vision of Martin Waldseemu ller's 1507 and 1516 World Maps". Renaissance Quarterly (p. 703).
Review Unger, Richard W. (2013) Review of "Seeing the World Anew: The Radical Vision of Martin Waldseemu ller's 1507 and 1516 World Maps". Mariner's Mirror (pp. 477-478).
Horst, Thomas;
Der Niederschlag von Entdeckungsreisen auf Globen des frühen 16. Jahrhunderts
Hessler, John;
Warping Waldseemüller: A Cartometric Study of the Coast of South Americaas Portrayed on the 1507 World Map
Chet van Duzer;
The Reluctant Cosmographer: Johannes Stöffler (1452–1531) and the Discovery of the New World.
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The Map that Named America: Martin Waldseemüller's 1507 World Map
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Hiatt, Alfred;
McIlroy, Claire;
Wortham, Christopher;
European Perceptions of Terra Australis
Hessler, John W.;
A Renaissance Globemaker's Toolbox: Johannes Schöner and the Revolution of Modern Science, 1475--1550
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Henricus Martellus’s World Map at Yale (c. 1491)
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The Antipodes on Martin Waldseemüller's 1507 World Map
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Una terra oltre le stelle. Il planisfero di Martin Waldseemüller
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Contested Territory: Mapping Peru in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries
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Mapping Virginia: From the Age of Exploration to the Civil War
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Geographical Knowledge and Imperial Culture in the Early Modern Ottoman Empire
Guckelsberger, Kurt;
Das moderne Kartenbild von Europa auf der Carta Itineraria Waldseemüllers von 1511/1520
Chet A Van Duzer;
Martin Waldseemüller’s 'Carta marina' of 1516. Study and transcription of the long legends
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