Cozzi, Annette (Author)
The book offers readings of discourses about food in a wide range of sources, from canonical Victorian novels by authors such as Dickens, Gaskell, and Hardy to parliamentary speeches, royal proclamations, and Amendment Acts. It considers the cultural politics and poetics of food in relation to issues of race, class, gender, regionalism, urbanization, colonialism, and imperialism in order to discover how national identity and Otherness are constructed and internalized.
...MoreReview Forman, Ross G. (2013) Review of "The Discourses of Food in Nineteenth-Century British Fiction". Victorian Studies (p. 131).
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Modern Food, Moral Food: Self-Control, Science, and the Rise of Modern American Eating in the Early Twentieth Century
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Drouard, Alain;
The Food Industries of Europe in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
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Engelhardt, Elizabeth S D;
Ownby, Ted;
The Larder: Food Studies Methods from the American South
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Gastro-Cosmopolitanism and the Restaurant in Late Victorian and Edwardian London
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Jung, Keun-Sik;
Colonial Modernity and the Social History of Chemical Seasoning in Korea
Multimedia Object
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Williams, Elizabeth A.;
Elizabeth A. Williams, “Appetite and Its Discontents: Science, Medicine, and the Urge to Eat, 1750-1950” (U Chicago Press, 2020)
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How America Eats: A Social History of U.S. Food and Culture
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The Rise of Alternative Bread Leavening Technologies in the Nineteenth Century
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The Introduction of Frozen Foods in West Germany and Its Integration into the Daily Diet
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The Importance of Age Perceptions and Nutritional Science to Early Twentieth-century Institutional Diets
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Gift in der Nahrung: Zur Genese der Verbraucherpolitik Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts
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75 Years of IFT: Food Engineering and Physical Properties, and Nanoscale Food Science, Engineering and Technology in JFS---1936 to Present
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