Article ID: CBB001201202

Donald Davidson and the Analytic Revolution in American Philosophy, 1940--1970 (2013)


Histories of analytic philosophy in the United States have typically focused on the reception of logical positivism, and especially on responses to the work of the Vienna Circle. Such accounts often call attention to the purportedly positivist-inspired marginalization of normative concerns in American philosophy: according to this story, the overweening positivist concern for logic and physics as paradigms of knowledge displaced questions of value and social relations. This article argues that the reception framework encourages us to mistake the real sources of the analytic revolution in post-war philosophy. These are to be found in debates about intentional action and practical reasoning -- debates in which `normative' questions of value and social action were in fact central. Discussion of these topics took place within a transatlantic community of Wittgensteinians, ordinary languages philosophers, logical empiricists, and decision theorists. These different strands of `analytical' thinking were bound together into a new philosophical mainstream not by a positivist alliance with logic and physics, but by the rapid development of the mathematical and behavioural sciences during the Second World War and its immediate aftermath. An illustrative application of this new framework for interpreting the analytic revolution is found in the early career and writings of Donald Davidson.

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Authors & Contributors
Uebel, Thomas E.
Friedman, Michael L.
Aho, Tuomo
Burke, Peter
Carnap, Rudolf
Charak, Gregory Scott
Journal of the History of Ideas
Osiris: A Research Journal Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences
Perspectives on Science
Revue de Synthèse
Science and Education
Felix Meiner Verlag
Open Court
Oxford University Press
Polity Press
University of Pittsburgh Press
Philosophy of science
Analysis (philosophy)
Carnap, Rudolf
Neurath, Otto
Russell, Bertrand Arthur William
Cassirer, Ernst
Davidson, Donald
Einstein, Albert
Time Periods
20th century
20th century, early
19th century
18th century
20th century, late
21st century
United States
Great Britain
Vienna Circle

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