Article ID: CBB001201199

The Industrious Revolution, the Industriousness Discourse, and the Development of Modern Economies (2014)


The idea of industriousness has been an ever-recurring issue since Max Weber launched it as a putative explanation of the advent of economic modernity. The notion of `industrious revolution' has provoked a renewed flourishing of publications focusing on this issue. Although most historians agree on the emergence of industriousness in seventeenth-century Europe, there is no consensus regarding the chronology, hence the real causes, of this mental and discursive shift. This article emphasizes the problematic role played by literary evidences in these social and cultural models of diffusion of new consumer values and desires. It then establishes the timing of the emergence of the `industriousness discourse' using an original approach to diffusion based both on the quantitative analysis of very large corpora and a close reading of seventeenth-century economic pamphlets and educational literature. It concludes first that there was not one but several competing discourses on industriousness. It then identifies two crucial hinges which closely match the chronology proposed by Allen and Muldrew, but refutes that championed by de Vries and McCloskey. The industrious revolution as described by these authors would have happened both too late to fit its intellectual roots and too early to signal the beginning of a `consumer revolution'.

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Authors & Contributors
Ashworth, William J.
Allen, Robert C.
Berveglieri, Roberto
Brassley, Paul
Carey, Daniel
Finlay, Christopher J.
History of Science
Agricultural History
Economic History Review
History and Theory
Carocci Editore
Edizioni Polistampa
Harvard University Press
Irish Academic Press
Manchester University Press
Science and industry
Science and economics
Science and society
Industrial revolution
Hayek, Friedrich August von
Marx, Karl
Mises, Ludwig von
Time Periods
19th century
18th century
20th century
17th century
Early modern
16th century
Great Britain
United States
ENI (Ente Nazionale Idrocarburi)

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