Article ID: CBB001200831

Scurvy and Other Vitamin Deficiencies during the Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration (2013)


At the start of the heroic age of Antarctic exploration there was great confusion concerning the cause of scurvy. It was known that it was related, in some way, to food but it was uncertain as to how, and there were two main theories. The first was that it was caused by a deficiency of fruit and vegetables and the other that it was caused by a toxic material in tinned foods. In addition, older theories that it was caused by dirt and damp still carried weight and Almroth Wright had proposed that scurvy was caused by too much acid in the blood. An additional confusion was that vitamin C deficiency was often combined with other vitamin deficiencies and so other diseases might be labelled as scurvy. The discovery of vitamins occurred over the same period but, as with all new scientific concepts, the knowledge that scurvy was caused by a vitamin deficiency took time to be universally accepted. It was generally accepted by about 1920, although some people did not accept it until vitamin C was isolated in 1932.

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Authors & Contributors
Ackerman, Michael
Anthony, Jason C.
Barr, William
Bryan, Charles S.
Bullock, April
Cavell, Janice
Journal of Medical Biography
Agricultural History
Book History
Canadian Journal of History
Endeavour: Review of the Progress of Science
Food, Culture and Society
University of Virginia
University of Calgary Press
University of South Carolina Press
First Edition Design Inc.
Travel; exploration
Scientific expeditions
Food and foods
Nutrition; dietetics
Franklin, John
Carton, Paul
Darwin, Charles Robert
Hell, Maximilian
Koettlitz, Reginald
Funk, Casimir
Time Periods
19th century
20th century, early
20th century
18th century
21st century
Early modern
Arctic regions
United States
Great Britain
Rossiiskaia Akademiia Nauk
International Polar Year (1882-1883)

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